When It Rains..

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 It was pouring rain, wet bullets pelted everything around. Nimble twitching fingers linked themselves together. Big brown doe eyes looked out across the street, his feet willing him to walk forward. Of course he waited for the walk signal to show. Once it did awkward long limbs moved forward, he had only just started college but he stood a solid 6' 2". His flesh as pale as the winter's first blanket of snow. He was thin, but fairly fit from his quiet love of dance. Yet in this moment his lungs burned and his legs felt like led, but a thousand times more brittle. He numbly stepped forward, guiding himself along. Life had been simply beautiful until this moment. He stood calmly outside the door to his home, he didn't bother to knock he just walked in. once he entered the house he began to childishly pray no one was home. Childish indeed, his entire family sat on the couch. He hurried past and up the stairs to clean his room.

Stiff carpet greeted him, as he yanked the suitcases from under the bed. He quickly packed his entire room away, tears flooding his eyes as he did.once the bags had been packed , he slipped thin white garbage bags over them. Until he finally tossed them out his open window. His room sure looked funny bare, lastly he grabbed his savings. It was definitely not much. With a heavy heart, but a clear mind orange locks of hair headed down the stairs. "Mom, dad." his pale lips called. "Yes sanha." a dark haired woman smiled. "I have something to say." sanha croaked out, the top of his head felt tingly and fuzzy. He fought it with fear. "Well say it then." his father lightly chided. "Well..." sanha hesitated, his head burned yet it was still cold and dripping wet coating his face in false tears. "Mother father, i'm a shifter." once the words left his lips his world spun, and he wished he had never spoke. When his world became vaguely lucid again he found himself standing outside his house. Hot tears dripped down his cheeks, stinging the cut on his soft cheek bone. It gushed dark red and would probably need stitches. His lip was split too. Sanha ran his tongue over the tender cut, the wet muscle diving into the slice telling him how deep it really was. His nose bled relentlessly too, he drug his pink tongue across his soft top lip. Blood raced onto his tongue, the coppered coin taste made him gag. Sanha blinked a few times, his black sweater felt heavy with rain. He stepped of the front porch to retrieve his bags from the back of the house, a short limp followed his long bruised legs. They were clad and covered by blue jeans. His brain slowly flashed back to the scenario from just moments ago.

"Mother, father i'm a shifter." he felt the wind rush from him as his father quickly stood onto his feet. "What the fuck."his father stepped forward, as his mother rose to her feet. "Sanha stop joking." she laughed thickly. "I'm not joking, though i wish i was!" he choked out fear evident in the way he spoke. Sanhas mother was the first to rush forward, her hand flew up and she smacked the orange haired doll across his porcelain flesh. His cheek felt hot after the numbing sound echoed throughout the house. His orange locks stood on end, his head was mind bogglingly hot throbbing everywhere. "Stop fucking lying!" her voice was shrill, it had gone up a few tones. "I'm not mom!" he hesitated, not looking into his mother's eyes. The next thing sanha knew he had been knocked back, his nose ached his brown eyes shot closed. His father had hit him. "Yoon Sanha, i will give you one more chance to stop this absolute bullshit!" his father roared, his fist flying forward. The bulky man's fist caught on sanhas cheek, the carrot topped boy stumbled back crashing into the glass cabinet behind him.it shattered under his weight, he fell hard onto his back. Small shards of glass, and particularly large ones sliced into his thin skin. "Sanha!" his mother gasped, her voice laced with worry but her feet making no move forward. He groaned and rolled to his side, his lip split wide open. His back coated in glass. Sanhas father wrenched him up, jarring his ankle to the left with accidental viggor. "Get out of my fucking house!" his father screamed, shoving disorientated boy to the door. "Ma..." he gently called, while his father dragged him away. She looked away from her scared child. He was jerked out the door and into the unrelenting rain.

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