Missing The Mark, Mark

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Sanhas back had been stitched up a while now, a shirt had been gently placed on him. Eunwoo had long ago left the antiseptic scented room, the only things keeping sanha here seemed small and insignificant. Those things consisted of an unbreaking fever, and an inability to shift back to his fully human form. No matter how hard her tried nothing seemed to work, worry had started pumping into his system long ago. He had always struggled with shifting, he was never good at controlling it. This was new though, it was six thirty one in the morning. He was wide awake brown eyes looked around the room rapidly, a ring of blue encroaching onto the normally mocha color. Sanhas orange hair was absolutely frazzled, it stuck up awkwardly like scattered confetti. Bags hung heavy under his scared eyes, full and plump in a sore purple yellow color. The young boy felt his throat tighten, he wanted to let out screams and cry passionately. His throat felt raw though, he had screamed enough earlier. Hot tears bubbled up over his waterline, he was terrified of being stuck alive with the little white rabbit ears on his head. Sanha sunk into the mattress letting his eyes fall closed, his quiet tears coating the pillow. He was exhausted but panic stole his few opportunities to sleep, he was left feeling riled and overworked.
When eunwoo finally returned through the door of his quiet empty room sanha visibly relaxed, deeply inhaling the scent of eunwoo. "Hey." eunwoo whispered. "I get off in about two hours, we can get you discharged then."  He paused a second in thought before he went on. "I'll give you a ride to the college, and my number since we... we're friends" He quickly finished. Sanha jerked up on his bed a second. "You, you would really do that?" he seemed to hesitate with his words. His eyes drooped with sleep as the doctor above him smiled, brown eyes turning into smiling crescents. "Yeah kiddo, just get some sleep okay?" He smiled softly taking his leave for the door as sanha silently thanked him, letting his head lull to the side deeper into the pillow. He fell into a shallow relative sleep. Eunwoo smiled, quickly he shut the door and headed out.
Eunwoo, once out the door took large fast strides away from it. He had no idea why he had just told the younger boy he would chaperone him home. A rough sigh escaped him as he tugged latex blue gloves off of his cold hands, he tossed them to the side in a nearby trash bin. Another sigh settled over his lips, his hand ripped through his dark hair as it did when he was stressed. "You look mighty stressed doctor dongmin, or should i say dog-min?" a male voice chittered behind him directly in his left ear, eunwoo turned slightly. His eyes made contact with a tall dirty blonde nurse. "Mark." Eunwoo breathed, his frown lightened a little at the sight of the tan man. "That's me, but let's not talk about me. What about you, what has your undies twisted?" mark gave a devilish smirk, walking next to the younger doctor. "We have a boy, he was beat pretty badly." eunwoo paused hesitating to go on. "He's a shifter, but he-" he was cut off by mark "probably deserved to get beat?" mark was very nonchalant, though it obviously didn't get past eunwoo. "No! Jesus Mark freaking Tuan!" the younger started to scold mark, who very quickly defended. "Hey! Do you dare talk back to me! I'm older!" mark raised his hand jokingly to strike eunwoo, who swatted it away with little to no force. "His family kicked him out, the kid is horrified. He won't be able to pay this bill, i just know It." mark silently agreed as eunwoo continued, raking his hand through his hair as he spoke the next few lines. "I offered to be his friend, i gave him my number too." he finally finished turning to mark for a reaction. The older looked at him dumbfounded. "A shifter." Mark paused to laugh at his own words. "Your number?" he finished breathlessly. Eunwoo was up to the top with mark, who usually knew when to stop. Roughly, and quickly the dark haired doctor snatched the nurse's elbow. Dragging him back down the hall they had just walked up, he shoved mark into room number four. Sanhas room, by now sanha had fallen into sleep his chest calmly rising and falling. Once Eunwoo himself slipped into the room he shut the door behind them locking it tightly, mark turned to eunwoo at the speed of light. "What the fuck!" the tan boy hissed, his white teeth baring from his plump pink lips. "Look at him mark!" eunwoo seethed jutting a hand in sanhas direction, soft white rabbit ears drooped into a head of messy orange hair. His face looked gentle much younger than mark wanted to believe, the stitches on his face made him look mangled due to the yellow purple bruise that had now formed around it. Sanha's pouty bottom lip had been covered with a Band-Aid on the spot that has been split. He looked strikingly innocent.  Mark looked over him once more his breath catching, and his heart dropping into his empty stomach. "He's just a child mark" eunwoo chided softly. Marks facade fell, worry lines caught on his forehead and mouth. "How old is he even?" mark asked an air of solemn looming over him. "He can't be a day over nineteen maybe even eighteen." the lab coat clad doctor mumbled. The slightest bit of rage bubbled in marks system, he always joked about shifters. God knows he hated how much they got hurt, a lot of them were dangerous too. But this, sanha was just a child. "Who did it?" mark asked running his hand up the bedside bumper, he walked around the bed coming to a stop and settling his hand on Sanha's forehead.

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