Dance Fxxer Dance?

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As the tension i the room finally dropped off eunwoo let a sigh escaped his lips. "I'm off in about an hour kiddo." he smiled soft black hair brushing against his forehead. Mark decided to take the situation into his own hands. "How about you come to the food court with me." he mused resting his head on sanhas shoulder. Taking a moment to closely examine the other once again, noticing little white roots growing in he softly chuckled yanking sanha closer into a bear hug. "Going grey already, so cute!!" sanha bypassed the comment "no i can't." he quickly declined making both mark and eunwoo frown. Noticing the distress he justified himself quickly "my ears." he said it softly and with a smile. Lazily touching the soft appendages he mumbled "they won't go away." his smile fell giving gentle tuggs to the floppy white ears. Mark smiled at the motion the younger made. Silently he removed his arms from around sanhas waist earning a whine of protest from the little tangerine who quickly stopped as mark flattened his large hands on the crown of his head. Feeling the soft fur and the gentle curl of sanhas hair, mark urged eunwoo to do the same. "Eunwoo come on." eunwoo shot mark a quizzical look but followed suit. Resting his palms on the round faced angels head. "Come on try now cupcake." Mark chided gently, giving a smile bound to make any human blush. So Sanha did both, blush and try.


It was seven forty eight. Heavy breathing echoed through a filled room. Mirrors lined the walls. Music blared loudly through hidden speakers. Bodies moved synchronized across the gym-like floor. After a few minutes the music halted, sighs of sweet release echoed off of the relatively empty walls. Minhyuk let his body drop to the floor with several others following suit. His carmaly skin burned with sweat, his head lulled to the right and he chuckled slightly at the sight before him. The mirrors had completely fogged over from the intensity of their practice. He nudged the dark haired bunny toothed boy next to him. "Jungkookie hyung look at the mirror." he laughed as jungkook craned his sweet honey colored neck to look at the mirror. A short laugh escaped the older boy. "Jimin joonie look!" jungkook shot his elbows into the boys next to him. The shorter blond let a smile kiss his plump pouty lips. "rocky did you see?" jimin then asked the younger. "Yea!" minhyuk chided excitedly in response. Namjoon the taller boy with dirt colored hair smiled as well little dimples pinching into his cheeks. The commotion of the mirror slowly made its way around the chattering class a comforting liveliness blanketing over the excited room.

Rocky let his head rest to the side as excited bodies shuffled about. Roughly twenty boys jerked about the large room, until one of them hobbled to the front. A large gummy smile adorned his sweaty face. Rocky took his features in, he recognized him as jaebum, he was tall and handsome. He also frequently lead the group dance, guided with MJ and jin. If he was free from his full time job. Mj was minhyuk's best friend, though he was older he had a young ambiance about him he was never afraid to cause a little bit of trouble. Rocky loved that about him. He slowly watched as mj moved his carmaly arms to a beat-less tune sung by a enthusiastic BamBam, who at the time had frizzy white bleached hair with dark roots coming in. he never quite took care of his hair and it was very dead at this point. Rocky laughed before deciding to join Mj in the wild charade.


hey dudes im gonna try to update this once every week, writing this makes me incredibly happy because of the positive feedback. (tbh it helps a ton with my depression lmao yikes) so thank the lot of you who read this and i promise the kiddos will meet soon 

with much love,

                    SoftAndSleepy <3

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