Sometimes The Moon Sends Sanha Death Threats

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Yugyeom knocked on the door once and then twice, shuffling entered the crest of his ears. The door opened shortly after, a head of soft orange hair peeked out. Smooth skin faced upward brown baby does eyes looked up into his own. A fresh cut rested softly on his cheek, yugyeom could smell the fresh blood. ‘What happened?’ he thought. The smell of distress came quick as time moved in slow motion. The soft boy jerked back his eyes becoming larger still. “Tiger.” he squealed. Yugyeom's eyes went wide, yet he was given no time to react. The door was slammed in his face and audible click  letting him know it was locked. He knocked again this time asking about the youngers wellbeing. His knocks only halting as the whisper of “shifter” floated accusingly to his ears. It was new he had never been in this position where someone knew he was a shifter, and what kind he was on top of it all. It was one big dynamic blow too yugyomes pride for some twisted reason, so when moonbin shoved past him he gave no mind lost in the unreasonable churn of his heart. The older boy jerked him away pounding his large fist against the door, death threats slipping between his lips. Yugyeom only zoned back into the conversation when a particularly vulgar threat made its way out of moonbin’s tan mouth.  “Moonbin!” yugyeom yelled pulling his shoulder voilently, moonbin only grunted in response before stomping off to his room. Yugyeom gave a breathy laugh before begrudgingly walking to his own room. Rocky took a few steps back, flopping onto the couch. He listened to sanhas gentle cries his heart clenching, he pitied him. But for once moonbin was right, if he had something against yugy just for being a shifter. He had no place staying in the dorm.

Later that night when everyone finally settled into sleep, sanha found he could only toss and turn. Slowly with dread clinging onto his every limb he snuck out of his room. His muddied red shirt sat dry and crusted on his back. His head was hazy from the amount of crying he had managed to do in the short span of two days. He was dehydrated only drinking strawberry milk the entire time  he was out, the fever from earlier was back full force  pounding against the front of sanhas skull. Quietly the soft orange haired youngster searched for the bathroom, once he located the small white room sanha filled the sink with cool water. Slowly the college student pulled the shirt off of his back flinching as the rough fabric caught on a few stitches. The crown of his head felt hazy with little to no resistance he let himself shift the smell of sweet cherry blossom soap filled his nose. His soft rabbit ears drooped the soft petal pink insides hiding away he stuffed the shirt into the sink, slapping the water knob off. The room was lit with a soft purple pink aubiance, his eyes settled on the darkest points of the ill lit room. He zoned out with a silent shudder as the water soaked into the fabric of his once white shirt. The scent of old blood cooled over sanhas nose.

It was a minute or so before he decided to go get a glass of water, stumbling into the kitchen. It took him some time but sanha eventually found the cupboard harboring the cups. By now a full shift covered his body. He filled the glass with water, his back facing into the living room. A door slowly creaked open, sanha was immediately alerted. Startled sanha dropped the cup into the sink ducking to the floor. With all of his might sanha tried to shift his rabbit ears away, footsteps fast approaching frustrated tears formed in his now blue eyes. Soft white rabbit ears sat twitching, taunting and unmoving. Fur that once covered his forearms flurried away, leaving him with only ears tail and nose footsteps now drawing near his back. With a soft sigh of slight relief he snagged the hand towel off of the stove doors handle quickly tossing it over his head. “Hey newbie, is that you?” the soft voice echoed into sanhas hypersensitive ears, he peered up from under the towel as a smooth strawberry scent greeted him. It was yugyeom. Sanha pressed closer to the stove door, as the older boy began to close in on him.

Eyo what up it's ya author SoftAndSleepy and I'm hella pumped to write more of this because of the person who commented saying how much they liked it. Like it made my heart swell ngl.
Much love,
SoftAndSleepy ♥️♥️

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