Scared Bunny Child Headbutts Bratty Male Nurse

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Sanha felt the pressure of another's hand on his forehead as the scent of warm spearmint cooled against his nostrils. The hand was cool and soft, not clad with a glove. He gently lulled his head into the touch. "Eunwoo, your hands are cold." the soft whisper slipped past his lips with ease. It was met with a deep unfamiliar chuckle, it most definitely did not fit eunwoo. Sanhas eyes snapped open, he quickly ripped away from the tan nurse in front of him. A scream escaped the tall pale boys mouth, as panic rushed him. Hastily he attempted to will his soft white ears away. He scrambled out of the bed his long limbs moaning in distest. Adrenaline taking over for the 18 year old, he started to yank and scrape at the IV embedded in his arm. Tears started to cascade down his cheeks as his bruised finger tips violently scratched at the tape holding the iv in his arm. His heart thumped at a murderous pace, his finger shook a panic attack over took him fully. The entire room felt numb, he felt as though he no longer had a single grip on life. 

 Mark was shocked to say the least, he had placed his hand on the younger boys head. Sanha had leaned into the tough his soft curly orange locks tickling the palm of marks hand. He smiled at the gesture his soft dirty blonde locks falling on his smiling cheeks as sanha spoke softly in his direction. "Eunwoo your hands feel nice." eunwoo smiled behind mark. It all felt right, until the youngers eyes snapped open. His soft rabbit brown eyes had shifted a stark ice blue, they looked up at mark catching his eyes. Mark hadn't expected blue eyes, nor did he expect the tall lanky boy to shove him away with a yelp. But the young boy before him had both, Mark was in shock only coming out of it when the little tangerine began to tug at the IV in his arm. Mark quickly lunged over the length of the bed, his muscled physique crashing into sanhas thinner one. Quickly the dirty blond male grabbed the youngers wrists folding them in on eachother and engulfing sanha in a tight bearhug from the back. Meanwhile eunwoo hurried about locking the door, to avoid any unwarranted discovery of the little bunny boy. Slowly eunwoo tried to calm the snow skinned boy, whose eyes were a wild and blue. At any other time they would be simply intoxicating to look at, but as sanha realled back and headbutted Mark, Eunwoo decided now was not the time. Mark whispered soothing words into the tall youth's hair, coddling him back and forth gently lowering him onto the floor as Eunwoo finally got words through to him. "Hey, hey buttercup biscuit?" the dark haired male tried, sending Mark into a fit of scoffs and half giggles. The doctor rolled his eyes focusing back on sanha he tried again. "Hey sanha, it's okay. This is my friend Mark, he won't hurt you. I promise." as his words softly floated into sanhas ears Eunwoo let his slightly tanned hand come to rest on his upper thigh.

Sanhas loud wails slowly calmed to that of sniffles and hiccups. The piercing blue his eyes once held fled to a calm carmel brown. Mark never stopped rocking the sunset haired boy back and forth, still whispering sweet little nothings into his ears. He finally calmed only a few tears flowing down his puffy round cheeks. "Hey kiddo, i'm Mark a nurse at the hospital." Mark tried watching how the younger reacted prepared to stop if need be. "Sorry i scared you little dude." he finished. Sanha let the new information settle with him for a moment. His surrounding had finally started to come back into focus and he no longer had tunnel vision. His fingers had tangled themselves in Eunwoo's. Wrapping delicately around his long slender appendages, his back pressed to this new stranger Mark, whose arms draped tightly around him. Softly and with hesitation sanha spoke. "Hello i'm sanha, i'm very sorry i headbutted you. I was scared." he trailed off, his orange locks brushing in front of his eyes and a blush rising to the apples of his little plump cheeks. It was enough to make eunwoo want to scream. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey all it's SoftAndSleepy here
I just want to know what the lot of you think so far... Tbh I'm really nervous about messing this story up.
So if you want to see something or just have a few nice words to say I'd very much love to hear!♥️♥️

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