Rocking Along The Rocks

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Off somewhere on a college campus, roughly two miles from the Hospital sat a soft tan boy well not as soft as you think and definitely not sitting.  the tan boy Solid 5’ 9” strut across the open plain of the campus dance studio room. A beat carrying his steps as caramel brown hair followed his every move, into a chocolate undercut. His tan skin burned like a dirt road, beads of sweat rolled down his strong arms. They flowed and rushed in a quick dance, his legs clad in sweatpants move fast keeping in time with the quick song. A smile blessed his features until he slowed to a stop when it broke out into a grin this was minhyuk, or rocky. A sophmore in college majoring in dance, minoring in vocals and instrumental study. He had been rooming within the dorms for a while now, him and two others to be exact. They just been told that another person would room with the three of them, rocky was thrilled being a very social butterfly he found the thought of another human being around excited him. Although Moonbin  his other roommate had grumbled,  yugyeom the middle child of the  dorm room  looked just as excited as minhyuk did. Moonbin’s pour reaction probably had something to do with yugyeom being a shifter,  though he had full control over it. Yugy, unlike many of his kind had been raised a very loving adoptive family. Minhyuk sighed happily at the thought while he cleaned up, they never told anyone about yugyeom being a shifter though if anyone was to ask him he would tell the truth. He was brave he also knew how to fight, and fight well. So rocky had never worried, moonbin on the other hand had always overthought things. The lot of them had become friends with the boys down the entire hall. Rocky majored in dance with most of them, they all got along really well. Minhyuk let his mind wander on as he set off to the dorm room. The hall, normally noisy and in a constant bustle was quiet upon his arrival. One tall olive skinned boy leaned against the door diagonal too minhyuk's own, fiddling with a fist full of keys he looked tired. “Hi jackson.” rocky smiled softly as jackson looked up, running a hand through his bleach blond hair. The older boy gave a half smile, successfully fumbling the keys into the lock and opening the door. He stumbled in closing the door behind him, rocky lightly laughed at the olders fatigue. Turning to his own room, he jerked the handle finding it unlocked. “Yugyeom, moonie i'm home!” he yelled into the empty living room. A door handle jiggled violently before a coconut haired boy darted out, brown eyes dotted with lighter flecks looked up at minhyuk a cute mole sitting under his left eye. Yugyeom leaned down, out of breath from the short burst.  “Our new room mate comes tomorrow!” he wheezed. “I know!” rocky replied ecstatically, his face breaking into a large smile. Yugyeom followed shortly after with a childish “iee!” 
Moonbin shuffled from his room joining the commotion. “I'm going to see if i can get him moved out of this hall.” he grunted grumpily black hair falling into his eyes. “NO!” both yugyeom and minhyuk yelled in a striking unison, their heads snapping to moonbins direction. His face contorted in rage. “He doesn't belong here!” he seethed turning on heel, into his room slamming the door behind him. Yugyeom burst into a thick laughter shortly after moonbin took his leave. “He worries way too much, even if i am a shifter i'm no white rabbit. For fucks sake i'm a tiger.” he let his laugh fall as he headed off to his own quarters. “It'll all work out.” minhyuk sighed, his legs carrying him off to the right and into his quiet room.
Settling onto the soft mattress minhyuk tossed his bag to the far corner of the small room, he was excited about the new roommate who was ticketed to arrive tomorrow. But he was worried about the amount of conflict it might cause. Thoughts rummaged around in his mind, worrying that the new student living with them might be a burly shifter murderer. His mind unable to calm, began to develop scenarios. Minhyuk found himself deeper and deeper in thought. When he managed to jerk away, taking a look at the clock. It was nearly six in the morning, so much for learning something in class today.

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