Get On, Get Out, Get lost

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Sanha took his first step out and instantly regretted it. Yugyeom sat on the couch accompanied close by moonbin, who seemed to make a point to force a pouty glare sanha found more cute than scary. Sanha attempted to scurrie past his hands becoming clammy. “Sanha.” the younger boy froze in his tracks, his body felt ice cold his hands beginning to tremble. “We need to talk.” the orange haired boy finally recognized the voice to be yugyeom's. Instead of answering sanha bum rushed for the door. Hearing someone get off the couch he cut through the living space and to the door keeping his head down. Sanha pulled the door open ramming straight into rocky. Both boys tumbled backward into the house, the wind knocked out of sanhas lungs as his back slammed into the square landing filled with shoes. The broad base of his shoulders caught on the edge of the step down, his head thunked dully on the hardwood. He swore he saw little road runners dancing around his head. minhyuk's weight came lading on him shortly after, unable to catch himself the older found his body being cushioned by the younger below him, who gave an absent minded whine as he tried to clear his head. The two boys once on the couch hurried to the door after hearing the commotion. Moonbin rushed for rocky pulling him off the younger who let a shaky hand rest on his face. “Watch where you're going next time idiot!” the older moonbin nervously jabbed at sanha, earning himself a firm slap from rocky who ripped away from his grip to help the bunny boy up. Yugyeom followed shortly after rocky worried for the rabbit shifters back. Sanha pulled away from the two trying to steady himself, he was really done with being beat up the last few days. “Sanha.” yugyeom called. Quickly standing straight up the youth gave a deep bow and spoke quickly with articulate precision. “Please leave me alone i don't like shifters.” sanha knew what would happen next, so he took off his head and heart throbbing to the same beat. He shoved past moonbin who seemed to be letting his harsh words sink in. when they finally did he whipped around to follow the sunset haired boy out, he was quickly halted by a rough hand on his wrist. It was yugyeom. “Leave him.” he said sternly.

Rocky was floored, no literally. He had walked through the door only to slam directly into his new roommate. The small delicate boy had been knocked to the floor from the sheer force of the two impacting. Rocky’s head spun as he took a moment to try and focus on anything, settling on the youngers features below him. He was cute, shit he was really cute. Round pale face, minhyuk noticed it had a pained expression on it. Soft little lips turned in a plump downward pout, big doe eyes half lidded and hazy. Cute little orange locks twisted in and out of a honey yellow baseball cap.  “Oh god.” rocky thought. “He's beautiful.”

Sanha didn't stop running until he was at the bus stop leading to the hospital. The time on his phone read ten thirty, peering over the devices screen he looked at the open area. Cars passed by slowly and students filled into coffee shops. The bus turned around the corner lights blinking dimly in the sunshine, yet it still ran shivers of deja vu through sanhas back. Quickly with little hesitation sanha loaded on the bus when it stopped, greeting the driver politely he started to look for a seat. He decided now would be a good enough time to call mark, let him know of the change in plans so to say. The phone rang twice before mark answered. “Hey kiddo, i love you so much. But now is not the best time.” mark hurried his words out as screaming echoed in the background. Sanhas eyes widened as he finally took a seat on the crowded bus. “Ah i, uh ah.” with little to no words sanha panicked, hanging up the phone with haste. The carrot topped youth decided his arrival would be a surprise. Now that his head was clear sanha took a moment to look around, everything seemed to change when he wasn't terrified. Green trees swayed softly, and the grass tried desperately to recover from the relentless rain of the night before. He smiled lightly as the bus moved from stop to stop, the adrenaline from earlier slowly wore off and his back became uncomfortable once more. He grumbled annoyed but did nothing much about it. The bus came to a slow strangled halt, with a sigh sanha stood up and thanked the driver before exiting.

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