You Scared Me, Hell I Scared Me.

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The teen calmed nearly an hour later, only due to sheer exhaustion. His long arms falling limp on yugyeom thighs, his head resting in the crook of the olders neck hair gently brushing yugyeom's cheek. Sanhas body relaxed his previous sobbs mellowed into hiccups and whines. As time moved on sanha calmed to soft snores, yugyeom laughed at the youngers antics. He had only just met the young carrot top but felt the need to care for him, in yugyeom defence he'd feel the need to care for anyone who had a panic attack in the bathroom at three am. His alpha like instincts had been roaring in his ears sense the moment he saw the younger. He decided to ignore it and separate himself from the sleepy sanha. Yugyeom needed something to busy himself. He quickly scanned the dark bathroom before taking to cleaning the blood out of the once white shirt in the sink. The water had diluted into a clear pink color yugyeom could smell the blood and recoiled a bit as he removed the shirt from the water. He hung it up paying no mind to the water that dripped off of it and onto the floor.

Sanha twitched in his sleep, his hands clenching onto nothing. yugyeom danced about his back turned to the younger. He needed some sort of distraction from himself. Quietly with ease he finished cleaning the bathroom. His dark black brown hair was messy, unkempt as he worked about the small room. He made sure not to bump the large sleeping baby. Meanwhile sanha softly fell into a deeper sleep his head falling to the left, orange locks lulling with him brushing along the apples of his little flushed cheeks. Peaceful clouds danced into his mind, breaching him into a suited sense of security. Quietly with no warning a full shift consumed him. soft white rabbits fur raced up his forearms cascading around his hands. Thin little whiskers piqued out above his eyebrows, a strawberry pink nose wriggled about. A gentle sigh escaped sanhas lips content filled the sleeping youth as a full sweep of relaxation settled on him. Immediately the older boy tensed, breathing in. Something didn't smell right, and now he knew what it was.

When the small first hit yugyeom he was confused. Slowly he halted cleaning, breathing in deeply. His dark dirt colored eyes scorched into a bright yellow. He breathed in once more quickly turning around his breath hitched, a low rumbling emitted from deep in his throat. His pupils blew wide, he could smell distress everywhere. With haste he dropped to his knees, snatching the towel off of the thin sleeping child below him. Yugyeom felt like he was choking on air. His now yellow eyes grew wider still, he could only focus on pretty White rabbit ears. Of all the things he expected his roommate to be, a little white rabbit had slipped his mind completely. The cat like slit pupils in his eyes were round and full as yugyeom looked at the youngers hair. Soft white colored roots grew in at the scalp of his head, it was a stark contrast to the orange. Yugyeom reached his hand out petting the younger boys soft hair, lifting his orange toned bangs to see if the snow colored hair was really coming from the youths scalp. He had so many question for sanha. Yugyeom's brain raced as he left his hand fall from the other males hair and into his lap, grabbing one of sanhas dainty hands and turning it over he looked at the rabbit like features. Breathing in he tried to place a finger on what the rabbit shifter smelt like. Slowly yugyeom slotted his fingers inbetwixt the youngers, feeling the soft fur while deep in thought. After some time yugyeom settled that the youth smelt of peaches and cream, a sweet smell that had a slight bitter bite after you ate it. It seemed to hint at a personality yugyeom had yet to see. Running a tanned hand through his hair yugyeom decided he couldn't do much more than wake the baby boy up, yet he found himself in such a state were he was unable to stir the calmly sleeping giant. Maybe he was guilty? With not much more in the way of a mental debate yugyeom lifted sanha from the laminate bathroom floor and carried him away and across the living room. For someone as tall as sanha yugyeom expected more weight. 'Or maybe I've just been working out more?' he thought to himself. Hauling the younger into his nearly empty room, yugyeom looked around. His yellow brown eyes scanned the bed falling still on sanhas soft pink blanket. He let a small deep chuckle clip itself away from him. This kid was pretty cute for a freshman. Yugyeom only struggled a little to get sanha on his bed, shuffling around so the youngers long limbs stayed on the cushioned mattress. He pushed sanhas bags away and to the left, pulling the pink blanket from beneath the tall runts feet yugyeom covered him up carefully. With one last look at the bunny shifter the musly tiger headed out to his own room, decideding he'd ask all the questions in the world tomorrow.

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