Get Ready.

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When sanha woke the next morning he had already decided to take the next few days off of school. He would bullshit his way through best he could with a doctors note from eunwoo, of course the young man would study his personal classes like dance and guitar. But for now he really needed a sec to settle in, and as mark put it he needed to “get he's shit back.” soft brown eyes cascaded to look at his phone, the time read 9:43. Sanha decided to send mark and eunwoo both messages stating his whereabouts. He also declared his plans for the day with enthusiasm. After the message sent Sanha set his phone down, letting last night's events play through his mind once more. Yugyeom seemed kind enough the orange beanpole decided, though the thought of the older knowing his secret gnawed at Sanha. Above everything else Sanha knew he would have to get used to yugyeom. It was now time for the younger to start his day, slowly getting up from his bed Sanha made his way over to the vanity style desk. Looking in the mirror  his little white rabbit ears greeted him, with a huff Sanha shifted them away. It was like this every morning, at home he got used to the routine of locking his door and sleeping quite light. At some point he was sure his eldest brother found out. He let the thought escape him as he moved about to the closet where he had set a few shirts and such. After much debate Sanha settled on a soft sunny yellow knit sweater, paired with light blue ripped jeans., paired with light blue ripped jeans. The young boy fretted over his hair for a moment before his phone went off, quickly the awkward long limbed boy rushed to grab it.

Mark: i get off in an hour, lets go get your shit.
Mark: i’ll get eunwoos doctors note too if you want.

Sanha: nah i'll get the doctor's note, i wanna see eunnie.

Mark: ha eunnie sounds kind of like unnie.
Mark: lmao i'll be there like 11:00.

Sanha: okay! <3

With a smile sanha shoved the phone into his pocket, moving to his door he breathed in and then out. Gently sanha patted his own cheeks barely brushing the little line of stitches below his eye. With that his hand gripped the gold brushed door knob and twisted it open to the living room.
Hello all!
Very short update I know, sorry!
I just want to let you know I have a ton of this written up, it's just a matter of typing it.
My hand is now fully healed and finals are done!!!
I hope to get back to updating this, but in the mean time I have a question for the lot of you, well I have two.
Number one: should I delete those authors notes I had to do?
Number two: I want to know what you want to see out of this fanfiction, please let me know what cliches you would like me to avoid. Along with what ones you personally enjoy. Within fair warning though it may not make it into the story.
That's it for now if you read all of this thank you from the bottom of my heart!! 💓
If not I still love you!!!
Much love,
SoftAndSleepy ♥️

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