Duels, Teachers and my biggest fan?!

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. It is one of the long ones. But hope you like it anyway. Some of the cards in the duel, is something my friend RobertDimascio helped with. So don't want to take the credit for all the self-made card in this duel. But I do wonder if you realize who the twin wolfs who is used in this duel is a reference to. 😊

Zaira's p.o.v.

I ran and I ran. Yuma was right behind me by some inches, but sadly Bronk, who was on his skateboard by the way and I found that hardly fair, was in front of both of us.

"I am not losing this race" Yuma proclaimed. I snort at that. Bronk did as well.

"Really? But losing is what you do best Yuma" Bronk said and grinned.

"Aren't you forgetting something" I sneered "I am in this race too". Bronk grinned.

"Oh yeah that is true Zaira, but like always you get second place, just before I win it again" Bronk bragged. I sneered and tried to run even faster.

"We will see about that" I yelled and were some inches in front of Bronk now. However then we arrived at a staircase and Bronk jumped up on the railing and had smooth sailing from there. Yuma and I had to rush down the stairs.

"Ahr, why do I always agree that he can use his skateboard" Yuma complained.

"You proclaimed you could run faster than it remember?!" I sneered and tried catching up to Bronk. "Now less talking and more running".

However sadly none of us catches up to Bronk, because of a sudden cat who appeared at the end of the staircase. I quickly managed to jump over it, but Yuma on the other hand was not so lucky. He tripped, which caused him to bump into me and we both fell to the ground.

"Look on the bright side, you two are on first place for losing" Bronk yelled at us and left towards school. Yuma sneered angrily.

"Hmm next time" he said annoyed. I was also annoyed, but for different reasons.

"Yuma" I said in a sweet voice. The boy looked down at me.

"Yeah what is it Zai?" he replied. I sneered angrily

"Move your lazy corpus from my back!" I yelled and Yuma finally realized that he was lying on top of my back and that I had hit the ground pretty hard here. He got quickly off and was holding a hand towards me. He was grinning a little.

"This resembled our first meeting Zaira" He then said and helped me up "Times flies hu?". I grinned a little.

"Yeah it sure does. At that time I was this thief and had a cold icy personality" I replied. Yuma grinned and hit me a little on the back.

"Yep and now you have a mix. A ice queen with wolf temper" he replied.

"I shall show you temper" I sneered and was about to grab him, when another voice interrupted me. It was coming from the top of the stairs.

"Ahr out of my way, can't stop, can't slow down" and Yuma and I only managed to look up, before a boy, who apparently was rushing down the stairs, slammed into us and we all three went flying through the air.

I got slammed to the ground again and was lying on my stomach. Seconds later Yuma and this new guy both landed on top of me, which kicked all air out of me.

"Why in the world can't I be on top for once!" I yelled angrily after I could breathe again.

Yuma apparently heard me and tried getting this kid of us. A minute later we were all three sitting on the ground. I was gasping a little for more air, while Yuma was yelling at this new guy who ran us over.

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