Coliseum Battle part 2.

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A,N: Hello my dear readers. I am so sorry for the wait. I finally managed to pull this chapter and duel together. Talk about difficult since I made the duel myself and had to change it in the middle of it. But at least I succeed. Hope effort makes it up for the wait. Have fun with the chapter you guys. Oh and the picture up there, Is the monster Zaira is gonna summon later in the duel. Hope you like it.

Yuma's p.o.v.

Yuma looked rather shocked around as both Zaira and Nistro got hit by Lion hart effect and now they only had 1600 life points remaining. It also didn't help that Alito was off the hook, by letting someone else battle instead of himself. That was not the Alito he knew and it frustrated Yuma to no end. If he was dueling right now, he would show him a thing or two about how to duel properly, and not this messed of way Alito was doing. What had happened to him after his duel with Yuma? Why had Alito changed so much. Yuma just couldn't comprehend it.

"Alito" Yuma mused and then looked over at Zaira and yelled "Zaira you just gotta kick Alito's butt. He deserves it for what he did to Nistro!".

"Will you shut it Yuma. I am trying to concentrate here!" Was all Zaira replied with.

"But I..." Yuma began but noticed how Astral had floated in front of him, to stop him from shouting further. Then the Astral prince shook his head.

"Yuma, I know how frustrated you are, that you can't battle, but you got to have faith in Zaira and Dextra" he then stated and sighed "Then again, it will not be easy. With Lion hart on the field, even though it is weak in att mode, its special effect makes it a serious threat to both Zaira, Nistro and Dextra. She need to...".

"That is true, but by forcing Nistro to do all the dirty work, Alito is off the hook" Yuma interrupted rather annoyed and clenched his fists.

He had just said that, when suddenly something weird happened. Blue lights appeared all around on the empty seats of the colosseum. It creeped Yuma out a lot.

"Hu? Astral what is happening?" Yuma then uttered rather scared.

"They are all spirits" Rio claimed in a worried tone "Each blue light is the spirit of a brave warrior who once fought in this colosseum and lost in battle".

"Eh? But I really don't like this guys" Yuma uttered rather scared and took cover behind Astral in some way. That made the others sigh annoyed.

"Calm down moron. They don't seem to be interested in us at the moment" Shark then sneered "Those spirits seems to be interested in the battle. So just sit back and watch Zaira duel. It is her turn now".

Yuma turned his attention towards the duel and noticed Shark was right. Nistro had just ended his turn, meaning Zaira was up. She had drawn a card, and surprisingly made a reckless attack on Alito's face down monster. That of course surprised the crew a lot.

"Hu? She is attacking, but why doesn't she use Cy's effect and destroy 2 cards on the field?" Shark sneered confused. "Did she lose some brain cells doing the last attack?". The others shrugged at that. Astral even hummed at that.

"She must know what she is doing" Astral then mused out "She could have destroyed 2 cards on the field, but for some reason didn't use it. What is she planning?".

"I think I know" Rio then suddenly mused out, getting everyone's attention. "After all we know Zaira is in reality a Barian and is the same kind as Alito. She even fought side by side with him once, when Girag attacked Yuma and us with all of those students. Back then Alito seemed honorable and courageous. Now however...".

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