Battles, memories and a lot of water. part 1.

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A,N: Yihar dear readers I am on a roll here. I finished another chapter in almost 3 days. Man, my body is stiff lol. What can I say this chapter called to me so much! My plans were actually to write on my other stories, some really need my attention, but Zexal continued screaming in my head, that I in the end had to write on it. Lucky you. A lot of things will even happen, Maybe foreshadowing lol, that do not happen in the show, so hope that interests you. With further ado have fun reading.

Mizar's p.o.v.

It was late in the evening and Mizar was currently in his room, sitting at his desk sorting through his deck once again. All so he could be ready for whenever he would face up against Kite Tenjo. All to prove that he indeed was the true galaxy master. It was a showdown he was looking forward to. All to show that he was the best. His Tachyon were growling pleased in the background. Just as his master, the dragon wanted to face the other Galaxy eyes to see who was best. They were alike in that way. After hard work of building his deck, Mizar got up to stretch his stiff body and head to bed, when knocks could be heard on his door. Suspicion was clear in his eyes as he glared at the door. Usually he didn't get visits that often if any at all. Especially not this late. He could see this as one of Vector's late pranks or something. He growled annoyed as he walked over towards the door.

"Who is disturbing me this late? If it is, you Vector I will let my dragon maim you!" Mizar sneered as he opened the door.

All his anger disappeared instantly as he did, however. At his doorstep was Dumon standing in barian form with a curled-up rope and puffed up eyes. His stony face was wet, clearly shown he had cried not long ago. To sum it up he looked like a nerve wrack who was about to break down any minute now. Mizar was not sure what to make of this.

"Dumon..." he finally managed to say. His voice changing from fierceness to softness in one go. He was worried about his friend.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. I know it is late, but... I didn't know where else to go" Dumon asked in a harsh dry voice. "May I come in? I know it had no real importance but... I do not wish to be...".

An arm wrapped around the shoulder of his distressed friend as Mizar pushed him lightly into the room. He could not send his friend away when he was in such a distressed state.

"Of course. Make yourself at home" he replied and puffed his friend gently further into the room "Want me to call the servants to bring a beverage here?".

"I would like that very much" Dumon let out in a half-strangled cry.

With a swift flick from his wrist Mizar summoned a servant. One he trusted and could keep quiet with this, and soon two giant cups of warm crystalized tea were in the hands of the two emperors. They were sitting at the edge of Mizar's bed. A place Mizar felt was necessary in case Dumon needed any sort of comfort. The yellow barian had no idea what was going on, but he could guess the circumstances. Dumon were only this heartbroken when it had something to do with Zaira. Of course, deep down, Mizar were hoping he was wrong. Silence were all around them as the two males absorbed the liquid. All so they could calm their nerves first.

"Dumon, what happened? What is the cause of this? I never seen you this down before" The yellow barian then asked slowly, and carefully.

"Zaira..." Dumon managed to say a little bit later, which confirmed Mizar's suspicions. He placed a hand on his shoulder. All to try encouraging him to continue and after a couple of sniffs and deep breaths, Dumon managed to continue "She broke up with me...". Tears fell down his cheeks now.

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