mind-control coffee is the best kind of coffee

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Taehyung sighed for the sixteenth time that night.

Not that Namjoon was counting. (He was.)

"Hyung, why can't my essays not have to be written?" Taehyung flung himself sideways, pouting into Namjoon's lap. "You can do anything, Joon. Can you make my essays nonexistent? Pretty please, with whipped cream and a cherry on top?"

Namjoon ignored him, only shifting his notebook to the side, leaving one hand free to card through Taehyung's hair in a way he knew would relax him.

But when Taehyung's sighs got louder instead of dying down, it got harder to brush off.

"Have you done an outline, at least?"

He couldn't tell if the grunt uttered into his sweatpants was a yes or a no—probably a no, but he gave Taehyung the benefit of the doubt anyway.

"How about you stand up? Stretch, maybe make a cup of coffee." At this, Taehyung's entire body seemed to gain his usual energy and he shot straight up, barely missing Namjoon's nose with his head.

But instead of getting up and off the bed like Namjoon expected, Taehyung scooted forward until his thighs were framing Namjoon's hips, cupped Namjoon's face, and pressed their heads together until their foreheads were touching and noses barely brushing. His eyes were wide open, and it felt like he was staring right through Namjoon's eyes and into his brain.

"Tae, what're you do—"

"Shh," he whispered. "I'm mind controlling you into making me some coffee." A pause. "'Cause I don't wanna."

"Well I don't either."

Another pause. Out came the puppy dog eyes.

Namjoon knew it was a lost cause, because the closer you were to Taehyung's puppy dog eyes, the smaller your chance of surviving was. Being friends for so long, he had grown quite an impressive resistance to them.

But they were so close, Tae's eyes mere centimeters from his own.

Namjoon cursed his own weakness as he muttered out a small, bitter "Fine."

The bitterness faded away even faster than it had arrived, because Taehyung's face morphed into a beam as he happily bounced off of Namjoon and towards his laptop. "Thanks Joonie! You're the best."

"And you're lucky I love you," Namjoon grumbled, as Taehyung started to type something that looked suspiciously like an outline.

Taehyung should never be given the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe Even Forever [Vmon/Junghope/Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now