i will try to fix you

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Taehyung had been preparing a cup of tea, ready to spend the night rereading How To Train Your Dragon and convincing himself that he wasn't sad.

And he wasn't! He just wasn't particularly happy. And he had his plushies on his bed, all positioned to cuddle around him for comfort and snuggles.

He had just taken out the teabag when the door burst open and three figures all but fell into his living room.

"Yoongi? Jimin? Namjoon? What're you all doing—" The question budding on the tip of his tongue fell silent as the two smaller figures stepped into the dim yellow lights of the kitchen, bringing the third with them.

"Oh my. Oh my God. Oh Namjoon, what happened?" Taehyung's voice softened, all the initial shock and fear fading, replaced by concern.

He looked awful, to put it simply. There were bruises dotting the visible skin and a cut across his cheek and his lips was split and "Oh, what happened to you?" He clicked his tongue. "I thought we agreed. You promised. No more fights, yeah?"

"We'll, um. We'll leave you two to it," Jimin said awkwardly, allowing Yoongi to steer him out by the shoulders as Namjoon's eyes turned glassy.

"What could have possibly been so important for you to get into a fight over?"

Namjoon didn't reply.

Once the door had slammed shut and locked behind them, Taehyung snapped into action, racing to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and washcloths.

When he got back in the kitchen, Namjoon hadn't moved a bit, and he looked like he was about to break down.

"Hey, hey," Taehyung said, quiet and calm, catching the tear that rolled down his best friend's cheek with his thumb. "Everything is alright now Joonie. You're okay."

Namjoon couldn't tell you what exactly about those words that broke him, but all of a sudden something in his chest collapsed and the only comprehensible thing that came out of his mouth was "Sorry," over and over again.

There was a finger pressed softly against his lips. "Shh, Joonie. You don't have to say anything."

Then he got to work, making the washcloths damp with warm water and soap and pressing Namjoon against the counter.

There was a cut on his cheek. It didn't look too deep, luckily, as Taehyung inspected it. He cupped Namjoon's jaw gently. Namjoon leaned into the touch. He had missed it. "This is probably going to hurt, Joonie, but I need you to just relax, okay? Can you trust me?"

Namjoon didn't look away from Taehyung's eyes once when he nodded, and that in itself may have been the healing he needed.

And it was silent except for Tae's murmured encouragements. When he finally finished cleaning out the cuts, Namjoon had slightly calmed down.

"I'm gonna need some bandages," Taehyung muttered, maybe to Namjoon, maybe to himself. "And you need to take your shirt off so I can see your bruises, I know they're there Joonie."

"Tae." It came out cracked and broken, and Namjoon didn't feel the need to say it better. "I owe you an explanation."

"Oh, Joon. You don't owe me anything." Taehyung cupped his face again, and there was that look. Namjoon didn't deserve that look, he couldn't receive this fondness and forgiveness when all he deserved was a cold shoulder and more.

"No. I do. Please." And he caught Taehyung's hand and pressed it to his chest. Something about the warmth, the weight, was comforting.

"I'll hear whatever you say. I always have."

Maybe Even Forever [Vmon/Junghope/Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now