yet here you are: an angel, flying

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Much later, when Jimin nearly had a heart attack at the time ("Oh my God, hyung, you have class in the morning, we gotta get you home!") and had insisted on walking Yoongi home, Yoongi stopped walking under a streetlight.

"Yoongi?" Jimin stopped too. Their hands were intertwined.

Yoongi pulled him in so forcefully Jimin wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen. But all that resulted was Yoongi tucking his head into the hollow of Jimin's throat and wrapping his arms securely around his waist.

"Thank you, Jiminie. No one's ever—No one's ever said something that nice to me." The words were muffled by Jimin's sweater, but he heard them. He heard them, and they spiralled through his brain, down his throat, and into his heart, making it beat that much louder.

Jimin snaked his arms around Yoongi's shoulders and held him tight under scrutiny of the bright lamps. They stood there together, and they swayed back and forth. Enjoying each other's warmth.

Until Jimin pulled away, just a smidge, so he and Yoongi could see eye to eye. Heart to heart.

"Every word was true."

Yoongi blushed again and looked down at his feet.

Jimin tilted his chin back up. "I might just be in love with you, Min Yoongi."

And then they kissed.

It felt so, so right. As if they were meant to be in this moment, right now. Yoongi feels like he was meant to be in this moment, kissing Park Jimin underneath a streetlight at two in the morning.

Jimin's lips were soft, just like him. And his arms were draped around Yoongi's neck, hands bracing against Yoongi's head, holding him so gently.

Yoongi felt like he was on fire. In a good way. (Is there a good way to be on fire? he wondered.)

When they parted, it was as if Jimin had breathed new life into him. His lips brushed against Jimin's as he whispered, "You're so surreal, Park Jimin. I might just be in love with you, too."

Jimin was smiling when they kissed again. Maybe Yoongi was too, and this was more of being close to each other, drinking in each other, than kissing. Either way, Yoongi loved it.

He loved Jimin.

Maybe Even Forever [Vmon/Junghope/Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now