catnip and a movie marathon

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Seokjin had never wished on so many stars before.

There was a list of things that were not okay. (Not a physical list, but everyone knew its contents anyway.) Such statements like "Insulting Seokjin-hyung's cooking," "Letting Jimin not eat," and "Yoongi going more than one night without sleep" were featured on the list, and they were stuck to.

But number one on that list of things was "Taehyung being sad or feeling unloved or just not being happy." (And God forbid he ever cried because if he did whoever caused it was in big trouble.)

Seokjin took it upon himself to remove the frown from Taehyung's face, because it hurt to see it there.

"Seokjin-hyung? What's up?" His voice crackled over the phone.

"Hey Taehyung! Are you free right now?"

"Um, yeah. What for?"

"Come over? I have a surprise," Seokjin said, knowing Taehyung could never resist a surprise.

"I'll be over in ten. See you then, hyung!" Seokjin was glad to be able to hear a smile in Taehyung's voice as he hung up.

The thought of a surprise kept Taehyung bouncing in the passenger seat the whole drive, until they arrived and he froze.

A smile took over his entire face, and then took over Seokjin's. "Oh my God, hyung? The animal shelter? Do we get to go in and play with the animals?"

Seokjin nodded. "I have a friend in there, and he said you could have the whole afternoon."

Taehyung threw himself across the stick shift and center console to hug Seokjin tightly. "Ah, thank you, thank you, thank you!" And then he threw his door open and bounced all the way into the animal shelter, flinging open the door and racing inside. Seokjin chuckled to himself, then removed his keys from the ignition and closed both his door and Taehyung's, locking the car, and heading after his (extremely excited) friend.

It looked like Taehyung had forgotten completely about the situation with Namjoon as he cuddled and petted and cuddled and petted cat after cat and dog after dog. They all went crazy around him, because there was something about Taehyung that nothing could really keep away from.

Maybe he used catnip as cologne.

Seokjin was glad to see all trace of sadness gone from the face of his friend when it hit six P.M. and the shelter closed, the last of the volunteers making sure the pets were comfortable before starting to lock up.

"Come on, Taehyung," Seokjin coaxed, gently tugging Taehyung's arm in the direction of the door. "We can order takeout. I have all three High School Musicals on DVD."

It worked like a charm, and they successfully made it back to the car with only one pout about leaving.

Later that night, between the first and second movies, Taehyung started shifting. Restlessly.

"Are you alright? Is it too cold in here, because I can turn down—"

"No, no, no, I'm fine, Seokjin-hyung. I just. Um. Can I cuddle with you?" He said it fast, like he wanted the words to be out of his system as fast as possible.

Seokjin opened his arms, "Of course," and Taehyung beamed before moving over, leaning back against Seokjin's broad chest and snuggling down.

"Thanks. Sorry about this, I just usually cuddle with Namjoon-hyung when we watch movies, and I kinda feel weird without his noodly-ass arms wrapped around me."

Seokjin snorted, and pressed Play on the second movie.

Taehyung was sniffling softly as Gabriella left. This was nothing out of the ordinary, as on their whole friend group movie nights there would not be a dry eye in the room during this scene.

But as he wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his hoodie for the umpteenth time, Seokjin finally looked down to pay attention to it.

He wanted someone to stab him with one of his kitchen knives when he realized that Taehyung was, in fact, wearing Namjoon's hoodie, the one he got for his most recent birthday, and was clutching the fabric to his face and chest, most likely finding it a source of comfort.

Seokjin only held Taehyung closer to him and hoped that the others knew what they were doing. He wasn't sure how much more of this any of them could take.

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