perhaps you need to get over me too

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When Hoseok woke up, he felt warmth coursing through his right side. Always a fan of the warm things over the cold, he half-consciously moved towards and snuggled into it.

He was about to fall back asleep when he felt the warmth move, giving Hoseok the suspicion that his warmth was alive.

He felt something rising and falling right next to him, and when he listened he heard the steady beat of a heart. Yep. Definitely alive, and probably a person.

The real question was: who?

Hoseok's eyes fluttered open slowly, as if afraid the situation would dissolve if he opened them too swiftly.

It was still dark outside, the moon hanging low in the sky, heavy and golden through the window. He focused on the person (?) next to him.

It was a person: Jeongguk, in fact.

That much he expected. After all, this did look a lot like Jeongguk's room.

But what he didn't expect was just how beautiful, how serene Jeongguk looked with so much moonlight washing over his skin.

He must have changed into his pajamas sometime after Hoseok had fallen asleep, because he was wearing a too-big white shirt. Hoseok could see his collarbones, illuminated by the sky. He longed to kiss them, to kiss Jeongguk, but instead ran his fingers across them, so lightly they might not have touched Jeongguk at all. (But they had. Hoseok knows they had, because of the feelings that bloomed in his chest, like flowers in the spring, jumping out of the ground at the first hint of sunlight.)

And Jeongguk moved, just a little bit. Enough for Hoseok to take note of his position, how his head was still kind of pressed up against the headboard.

Hoseok knew how that would hurt in the morning, so he carefully slid one hand under Jeongguk's neck, cradling his head, and the other around his hip, maneuvering him a couple inches down until his head was on the pillows next to Hoseok's. They were too close, Hoseok knew, and if he moved forward just a little bit he'd be—Taking advantage of Jeongguk, Hoseok reminded himself.

He moved to remove his hands from Jeongguk, but upon the attempt Jeongguk frowned and, in a sleep-driven state of mind, reached his hands forward until they wound their way around Hoseok's waist, pulling him in and tucking his head under Hoseok's chin, pressing his nose into the hot skin of Hoseok's chest.

Hoseok wished he was better with words, but even with skills double Yoongi's he wouldn't have been able to describe how wonderful he felt, as Jeongguk fit so perfectly in his arms and it just felt nice to be able to hold him like this, like he'd been waiting his entire life just for this.

He buried his nose in Jeongguk's hair. It smelled lemony. He fell asleep more easily than ever that night.

Maybe Even Forever [Vmon/Junghope/Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now