Random #2: Rick's Phrases

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"Get Swifty."

"Grass tastes bad."

"Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!"

"It's time to get riggity riggity wrecked son!"

"I'm gonna go take a sh*t."


"And that's the wayyyyyy the news goes."

"Lick, lick, lick my balls!"

"Hit the sack jack!"

"Ricky Ticky Tavi beyotch!"

"I don't give a f*ck."

"Rubbed baby baby bunkers!"

"And that's why I always say shum shum shlippedy dop!"

"Uh-oh, somersault jump."


"You are a piece of sh*t and I can prove it mathematically."

"Glip glop."

"Take off your panties, sh*t on the floor."

"Burger time."

"No jumping in the sewer."


"I'm sorry, but your opinion means very little to me."


"That's not nice."

Hey guys, if there's any missing phrases, make sure to comment any of the missing ones. Thx for reading my story! ❤️❤️❤️


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