Reading w/Teamiplier

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you always read around her, whether it's while she's at the office and drags you along, or takes you to her pottery studio

she never expects you to watch her, and always ends up distracted by you because she just loves seeing you so engrossed in books

most of the time, you recommend the book to her in hopes that she'll read it after you and the two of you can talk about it

she says she will and most of the time, she does

Amy's favorite days are when the both of you have the day off and she can just brew coffee in the morning for both of you, and sit down on the couch and watch you read a book

she's never obvious about the fact that she's watching you read, let's clarify

she'll be reading the news on her phone and drinking her coffee and to watch you, she positions herself so she can let her eyes just aimlessly wander to where you sit

of course, you know, but you never tease her for it

she's in love with you, it's only reasonable that she stares at you


he's jealous that you can read an entire book (no matter how long it takes you, I promise)

but he just gets super consumed in watching you as you read, forgetting that he's maybe eating breakfast at the dining table with you

just the way you sometimes mouth what you read

how you never take your eyes off the pages as you bring some toast to your mouth

your eyebrows sometimes cinch when you read, too

let's just put this simply, you make his heart go bum bum bum when you read

especially those nights when you're just getting ready for bed and lie down beside him and he turns those beautiful blue eyes to you

"Read to me?"


"It helps me sleep."

you always give in


she's the one who gives you books to read, her smile when you talk to her about the ones you finish melting her heart

when it's time to go visit family, she'll make sure you have your books and will get you all snuggled up under a blanket while she talks to her mom about the trip

she'll let you get up and mingle but she prefers to see you with a book in hand

her favorite days are cold days where the two of you can just lay in bed and read together

you just make her super happy, okay?


Mark actually will share his books with you, not that he has many, and the few that he does have are mostly about aliens and space

he likes to talk about the fantasy worlds in them, but he really does like realistic books about space

he'll buy you some for your birthday and for Christmas and for really any holiday because he knows how much you love reading

will hold you against his chest around bedtime and read the book over your shoulder, asking questions if you're in the middle of the book

will never ever lead to sex if you read a sex scene together in that position

no matter how much you beg

he likes it when you squirm

but he'll tease you relentlessly about how much you wanted him the next morning (never in front of the team, he respects the difference between friendly talk and sexy talk)


Tyler likes to read romances and that's just what you've found him picking up from your book collection

he'd never admit it though, no- him? reading books that have sweet loving smut just pasted into the pages- never

whenever you're gone, really

you always wondered why he had you nailed to the wall saying the words that Fabio said in the book that one time

most of the time, however, when you read late at night, Tyler will aimlessly put on a movie that you weren't interested in watching and will rub your feet while you read your book and he watches his movie

if you recommend a book to him, he'll read it for you and let you know if he liked it or not, not telling you why he liked it or why he didn't, just that he did

bonus!!! Chica!!!

Chica likes to lay at your feet when you read, doing a snooze

she absolutely adores that you can scratch her ear and turn the page in the book so she doesn't worry about you pulling your hand away

you're the only one who ever sits long enough to love this much at the office

she's a good girl and thinks you're pretty good yourself for sitting with her all day

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