Teamiplier w/The Eclipse

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she was the most excited, dressing up and getting ready, several pairs of eclipse glasses on hand to give to people who needed them

the build up was fantastic, the lighting very twilighty, making her already paler than she already was

yeah, she's cute, okay.

when totality finally hits, she'd be jumping to her feet, not really caring for her glasses anymore, taking them off to look at the eclipse with her bare eyes

you'd have to remind her to put her glasses on but she'd just smile at you and give you a soft shove before tangling your fingers with hers so that you shut up

just before totality ends, she presses her lips to yours, only to pull away pointing at the ground as the shadow practically scurries away


Tyler didn't really show any interest in the eclipse, his focus mainly on teasing you about how interested you had been in it

of course, he humored you and watched but the second that totality hit, you could hear a very audible gasp from him

the excitement became obvious as he squeezed your hand tightly and pointed up at the sun, your vision completely obstructed by the special safety glasses

he doesn't kiss you like Amy does, but dammit when totality ends he pulls you flush against him and thanks you repeatedly, realizing how fantastic an experience it was

it's the kisses to the top of your head that makes you smile, however


this is all Mark talked about for months, how excited he was for the total solar eclipse

of course, all the hype made you excited

Mark and yourself were sprawled out on a blanket in the field, his arms around you, keeping your back pressed flush against his chest

he'd point out little things to you, like how the first star you could see before totality was Mars, leaning back with you to point at the planet

really, though, you were just admiring how excited he was to see the solar eclipse

you focused on all the totality and the shadow moving, his arms tightening around you as the temperature dropped drastically

when it was finished, the two of you made your way back to the car, Mark's hand on the small of your back

it wasn't until he had you leaned back in your seat that you realized how excited he had gotten


Ethan was the one reminding you to put your glasses back on just before totality, his hands pulling you closer as you pointed at the sky, gasping at how dark it got so quickly

"the birds are gone!"

"there's some bats, though."

you admired the creatures fluttering around before Ethan just smashed his lips against yours, keeping you flush against him as he deepens the kiss

you miss the shadow on the ground because of Ethan's desperate need to be romantic but you're smiling, either way, loving that he didn't stop kissing you until the sky was blue again


she didn't really care about the eclipse

I mean, yeah, it's cool but it's not something that she was interested in

but she went with you because she wanted to spend time with you

she didn't watch the eclipse, however, her eyes were on you, glued.

you didn't notice until she was grinning at you during totality and she leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek

"I love you"

"I love you, too"

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