Small Fights (Ty)

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It was strange coming home to a quiet house. Normally Tyler was there to greet you since you worked later than him, but tonight you felt like something was off.

Mark keeping you late tonight? You send the text, hoping that he'd reply quickly. You still needed to eat dinner, but without him, you wouldn't be able to watch your show which frustrated you. With a sigh, you shove your phone into your pocket and make your way to the kitchen to start heating up left overs. You weren't going to wait for him to get home to eat- you were hungry now.

Picking up the plate of old Chinese food, you made your way into the living room, checked your phone (which left you disappointed), and turned on a different show that you had been watching without Tyler.

Even after dinner, when you were getting ready to get into bed, there weren't any texts from your boyfriend. Sitting comfortably under the comforter with your back propped up against the headboard, you browsed on your laptop in hopes that maybe Ty was just recording with Mark and Ethan and he couldn't respond. You kept your phone face up beside you where he normally slept and went on with browsing, keeping a close eye on it while you grew drowsy.

It was near one in the morning when you were jolted awake from a hand on your waist. You groaned and sat up, feeling angry that he was so late and hadn't checked in with you.

"Where the hell were you?" you demand, turning to see Tyler with wide eyes. Of course, he looked exhausted as all hell, bags becoming ever so prominent under his eyes while the whites of his eyes were red from being tired and stressed. He had a bit of dirt smeared on his cheek and you sighed, knowing it was unfair of you to yell at him after he had had what looked like a rough day.

"I guess my phone stopped working," Tyler says quietly, keeping his distance. You frown and throw the covers off yourself and stand up, not wanting to sleep next to him tonight. Without saying another word, you make your way to the guest bed and crawl into it, biting your lip to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. It wasn't long before you heard the small knock and sat up, crossing your arms.

Tyler came and sat beside you and you couldn't help but hold your breath as he fiddled with his hands, trying to keep his eyes away from you.

"Come on, Y/N," Ty whined, turning his eyes to you. You shake your head and don't say anything, knowing that your voice would crack. "I did text you, I told you what I was doing." Rolling over, you close your eyes and wait patiently for him to leave. It never comes, however, instead he lays down beside you and gently rubs your back.

"Why didn't I get them, then?" You ask once you know your voice will hold steady. Tyler just moved closer to you and sighed, dropping his phone in front of your face. The screen was bouncing and wonky, and when you picked it up to unlock it, it froze.

"I dropped it sending you a text and it landed in one of the buckets we were using today," Tyler explains softly, running his hand soothingly down your side. Your stomach drops when you realize how dumb this was. "Can we just sleep in our bed Y/N? Please?"

Turning around in the bed, you latch onto him, your face buried in his shoulder while your arms snaked around his neck. He was almost burning to the touch but you needed to show him that you weren't mad at him anymore.

"I'm sorry," you say, gently pressing a kiss to his jawline. Tyler sits up, pulling you with to hold you against his chest. He had changed since you left the room the two of you shared, a nice and clean white and some basket ball shorts on his body instead of the muddy jeans and frayed TNMT shirt he loved. "Did you eat?" you ask, a murmur into his skin. Tyler tightens his grip on you and shakes his head.

With that, you untangle yourself from him and take his hand, bringing him to the kitchen so you can eat him some left overs and talk about his day with him.

"You could've just called me from Mark's phone," You say to him once you've both settled down. "I thought you ran away with some hussy or something." He laughs around his fork and shakes his head.

"You're the only hussy I'd ever run away with," Tyler assures you once he's finished his bite. "Mark and Ethan left their phone at the office and Kat wasn't with us today," Tyler begins to explain, smiling softly as you listened. "And Amy's phone was at five percent when I dropped mine."

"You had a rough day," you tell him, reaching over to hold his hand. Tyler brings the back of your hand to his lips, softly planting kisses across your knuckles. "What can I do to make it better?" You had some idea of what he'd want, but you wanted to hear it from him. It was late and you rarely ever got to be dominant in this relationship, not that you minded much. A coy smile played on your lips as Tyler bit his bottom lip and shook his head.

"I should probably shower," he says, smiling at you. "I'd rather not get bed gross and sweaty." You chuckled, knowing he'd be singing a different tune once he was out of the shower.

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