Food Poisoning (Ty)

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It was the retching noise that woke you up this time, Tyler's loud frustrated groan echoing through the apartment. Sighing, you got up to help your friend.

It was the ice cream, you decided, finalizing that thought when you turned the corner to see the miserable man clutching the toilet bowl. Still dazed with sleep, you dropped to the floor beside him and rubbed his back as he gagged, turning your face away as you comforted him.

He didn't often get sick eating things, but when he did, he was miserable, making living with him ten times worse. Not that living with him was bad- he was gone for a majority of the day, leaving you to your work which you were thankful you could get done. But you also couldn't get your work done if he was keeping you awake.

You shake your head when Tyler flushes the toilet and give him a sleepy smile.

"Go to bed," Tyler groans, moving away from the toilet and shrugging your hand off his back. Shaking your head you lean your forehead against his shoulder, his skin practically on fire.

"I can't sleep when you're being this loud," you tease quietly, tracing shapes into his back. Tyler gives you a weak laugh and shakes his head. "What can I do for you?"

"Back up," Tyler groans, leaning his head back over the toilet. You listened and watched as his back tensed up, his dry heaving making your stomach twist uncomfortably. You run your fingers over the tense muscles in Tyler's back and close your eyes, willing the episode to pass.

It takes a minute but Tyler sits up, letting his head fall back in frustration.

"Never eating there again," Tyler grumbles. You laugh and mess with his hair as you stand up. "Where you going?" Tyler asks, furrowing his brow. You smile and shake your head, putting a hand on your hip and tilting your head.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" you ask, watching as Tyler attempts to stand up. You're quick to help him, flinching when you wrap your arms around his burning torso.

"I could do with some water but that's it," Tyler says, leaning into you. Smiling, you help him into the shared kitchen and get him a glass of water. "You should seriously go back to bed."

"You're running a fever," you state matter of factly, watching Tyler down the glass of water. It was gonna make him sick again but you refilled it for him when he gestured to it.

"I'll be fine," Tyler smiles weakly then frowns. "Y/N you need to go to bed, I'm sorry for keeping you awake." You shrug and smile.

"I'm here for you, Ty. I know I'm just your roommate that you never see but we live together so I might as well be the best friend I can be."

Tyler smiles at you sleepily, his hair twisting off into every direction possible.


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