Singing (Ethan)

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Request: "It'd be pretty rad if you did like Ethan and the reader playing the ukulele and they like start a channel together for the music k thx bye"

Warning: shit man it's just cute

Personally, I don't think that Ethan would ever make a separate channel? It would just go up on one of your guys' channels. He likes having everything together. So that part I didn't do. Sorry.


You were watching Ethan as he plucked a few strings on his ukulele. He had had it for a long time, but you had never seen him play it. Somehow, you had managed to talk him into playing just for you. He smiles nervously at you before readjusting his grip, picking a chord, and plucking.

"What song do you want to hear?" Ethan asks quietly. You reposition where you're sitting and shrug.

"Your favorite song?" you suggest, looking at your nails in hopes that it would make Ethan less nervous if you didn't stare him down. He bites his lip before plucking a few strings, getting comfortable. Eventually, he finds a tune and begins to hum softly. You immediately recognize the song and bite back singing along. When Ethan hits the chorus though, you can't help but start singing along.

Ethan stops and grins at you. "I didn't know you could sing," he says. You blush and shrug. " Hey no, come on, that was good!" You laugh and shake your head.

"No, it wasn't," you say, stretching. Ethan begins to strum his ukulele again and hums encouragingly. You hold back a chuckle and sing along with him, smiling when Ethan runs out of the room to come back in with a camera.

"Come on," Ethan urges, smirking softly at you. You shake your head.

"I'd rather not, Ethan," you say. He frowns and sets it up anyways. "Ethan." You playfully warn him. He smiles at you before sitting next to you, watching your face.

"We don't have to post it anywhere," Ethan smiles, pressing his lips to your cheek. "It'll just be cute to show our kids one day." You blush at the idea of having kids with Ethan but shake yourself loose.

"I swear to God, Ethan," you give him an intimidating glare. "If I ever see this online I'll smother you to death in your sleep." Ethan lets out a small chuckle before starting the song over from the beginning, humming along. The two of you record the song and play it back, Ethan admiring your voice.

The two of you crawl into bed later that night, Ethan humming softly as he pulls the covers up and makes you lie close to him. You already knew that within a month he'd have talked you into letting him post it, probably bribing you with several kisses and hot baths.

Bonus Amyplier!

Mark sat at Ethan's computer, helping him figure out what was wrong with a setting when he opens a folder.

"What's this?" Mark asks, quirking his brow. He looks over his shoulder to make sure that Ethan wasn't right there before playing the video. He watches in awe as the video of you and Ethan playback. Mark smiles softly before sending the video to himself and coughing loudly when Ethan walks back in.

"What're you doing?" Ethan asks, rushing to his computers side. Mark shrugs and quickly fixes the issue. Ethan glares at him before pushing Mark out of his computer room. "I don't trust you!" Ethan squeaks as the two of them go into the living room. Mark just chuckles and checks his phone, seeing that the video had actually sent through.

"Probably for the best," Mark says, heading towards the front door. "See you tomorrow, right?" Mark asks, opening the door to Ethan's apartment. He nods and checks his phone.

"Hey, Mark?" Ethan says his friend's name before Mark can leave. "Y/N asked that the video not actually be posted online. Respect that, okay?" Mark's gaze softens as he looks at his friend and he nods understandingly.

"Of course." Mark bows and leaves, going home to Chica and Amy sitting on the couch. "I found the cutest thing today," Mark greets his girlfriend. Amy sits up and smiles, reaching for Mark to hug her. After a quick hug and pat to Chica, Mark shows Amy the video who holds it against her chest, her face revealing the emotions that build up.

"Why are they so cute?" Mark and Amy watch the video together and listen happily, dancing eventually, even, with Chica.

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