His Eyes (Mark)

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angsty relationship prompt: "she was always first in your eyes"


"Can we stop arguing about this, Y/N?" Mark drug a hand through his hair and let out a heavy sigh. You'd been bothering him about this for nearly the entire week and it was starting to exhaust him and show through in some of his videos.

"No, we can't-" you cross your arms and lean into the kitchen table, watching as Mark turns his eyes to you. His eyes shift to the floor when you uncross your arms and drop them to your side. "She has a fucking emergency once a week, Mark."

Mark sighs and pushes past the kitchen, making his way up the stairs. You watch him in silence, shocked that he'd walk away from you. He never walked away from you when you were fighting. He always made sure that everything was pieced together and that the both of you had made up because he hated being mad at you.

You follow him, taking the steps two at a time to catch up to him. The door closes before you reach the top of the stairs. Quietly, you come up to the door and press your forehead against it. You blamed yourself for him wanting to constantly be around her and away from you. Had you really become so unbearable? Holding your breath, you push the door open to find Mark's back to the door, his phone held against his ear.

"It'd just be for a night, I can't leave things between me and Y/N like this," Mark mumbles, exhaustion hanging on every word. Biting your lip, you turn away from him and start to make your way down the stairs. It's a while later that Mark comes down the stairs with a duffel bag, his phone still pressed to his ear. "Jess, stop I'll leave in a minute." Anger seared through your chest at the sound of hername. "Alright, I'll talk to you later."

You don't say anything as Mark quietly sets his bag down and slides his phone in his pocket. Instead, you cross your legs and rap your fingers against your knee.

"Y/N, can we talk about this, please?"

"Mark, I've been trying to talk about this. Where have you been for the past week?" you spit at him, watching him wince. Mark steps closer to you, reaching his hand out to you. Shaking your head, you stand up and push past him.

"Y/N, please-" You stop and turn to face him, your finger flying towards his chest.

"Do not 'please' me, Mark! She was always first in your eyes, and she always will be. Don't even bother coming back at this rate." Mark gaped down at you, his eyes searching your face. You reeled your hand back and turned away from him, making your way to the bedroom because you didn't believe that you could manage to look at him without bursting into tears. Once to the room, you slam the door behind you and fall to the ground, holding yourself.

Not even a minute passes before you hear Mark's fist hitting the door and him pushing his way in. "Y/N," Mark says your name before kneeling down beside you, his hands wrapping around you to pull you close to him. You try to fight him but give in, letting him hold you.

"Stay," you mumble miserably into his chest. Mark's lips find the top of your head and he pulls you as close as he can manage. You find comfort in this until he pulls you to the bed, rubbing your back until you fall asleep.

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