Ethan Nestor Collection!

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Request: "I'd like to see you write for Ethan more! I don't know if you wanted like exact requests, I could give a few requests if it is what you were wanting."



Ethan had been relatively quiet today, only speaking up to ask you to come home with him after class. It had been a while since you'd been in his room, surprised to find that most of his things were packed away, give or take a pile of clothes or school books.

"What's going on?" You ask, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Ethan smiles at you, his cheeks a light pink as he joins you, nervously tapping his hands on his knees.

"Well you know that I'm going off to college," Ethan says calmly, avoiding eye contact with you. You nod and turn so that you're facing him. "I need to tell you something before I go and I've been meaning to tell you for a while..." Ethan trails off and clears his throat. To encourage him, you move your hand to where he tapped a closed hand, stopping him from hitting his knee.

"Ethan?" You ask him hesitantly. It takes him a minute to look at you, his face remarkably pinker than it had been before.

"Y/N, can I kiss you?" Ethan blurts out, laughing at himself and looking down at his lap. Of course, your cheeks were very pink at this notion but you nodded and brought your hand to his cheek.

"Yeah," you breathe, watching his face turn to you, a wide smile on his face. He leans in and softly presses his lips against yours. His lips are softer than you had been expecting but you're not one to complain. Ethan deepens the kiss, moving his hand to your nape to keep you close until the two of you can't breathe and need to pull away.

Once Ethan catches his breath, he smiles and runs his thumb over his bottom lip.

"I've needed to do that for a while."

Unsure Movements

You and Ethan decided to wait to make your first time special, which didn't stop you from teasing him. But when that night came, you couldn't believe how magical it had been- even if saying that losing your virginity to the first boy you'd ever loved was magical, was cheesy- it had been perfect.

Slow and steady. Slow and heavy. He wanted you to feel comfortable with him- which of course you did. You were especially glad that it had been his idea, his hands traveling just a little further that night.

It was his house, where his dad lived, where he had to lay you on the floor to not risk having his dad find out if he came home early. Seriously, the only thing you could think of was how magical and cheesy it was.


When Ethan told you that he was moving, he did it over breakfast in bed. His dad was familiar with you staying the night since the two of you started dating. It had been two years and Ethan decided to wait on college- working on his Youtube channel and having his job.

"I'm moving to LA." You nearly choked on your coffee, your eyes stinging- threatening to spill over with tears.


"In a month."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Mark suggested it- the move."

You frowned and shook your head, letting the tears fall freely. Ethan moved to sit next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pestering you with kisses. He told you repeatedly that the two of you could make things work and that he'd come back as often as he could to visit you, and he didn't stop until you finally stopped crying.

Late Nights

After he moved, you kept the relationship going in the best way you could. You both skyped whenever you could, working around both his schedule, Mark's schedule, and your schedule. Sometimes the late nights would draw on and take a toll on him- you'd watch his videos, admiring how much he was growing. He made you happy, even if he was across the country living his dreams. You took this chance to start enrolling in colleges around the country, realizing your gap year had just started to turn into three.

The latest night was when you worked around not telling him that you'd be coming to California for school, not wanting to tell him. You weren't sure why you didn't want to tell him, but Ethan knew that something was up and pestered until you sent him a picture of the acceptance letter.

Ethan made sure to show you how proud he was of you, tweeting it out and bragging to Mark.

Moving Again

Ethan offered to let you live with him and even offered to fly out just to help you move- which, no matter what you said, still happened, along with Mark who came because he's a good friend who immediately pulled you into a hug after never meeting you.

The boys helped you pack and had you shoved between them for the ride back to California, taking turns behind the wheel and getting coffee and energy drinks to help keep them awake.

It was a super fun road trip, and you'll probably never forget it (considering the mountain of pictures you took and printed? Definitely not.) Ethan even got you a souvenir, a little mug that he normally wakes you up with.

He told you that he'd help you study when you started, and even Mark would jump in when Ethan would bring you to the office. Especially Amy, though. She'd sit down with you when the boys didn't need her and talk you through things and helped you study for your exams.

I'd say that you're pretty lucky to have such a great support system- one that supports you by encouraging you and helping you when you need it. You take it for granted of course, especially when you and Ethan decide to get a puppy together. It's a good life.

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