Chapter: One

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It's been three years, three years since Jay watched Erin drive away in her car and he never saw her again but now after years he was finally happy again.

"You ready to go?" Jay shouted across the lounge into the bedroom.

"Yeah" Charlotte said as she came waddling out of the bedroom.

Jay stood and laughed as she walked towards him, "what's so funny?" She asked him

"You look ridiculous"

"Well if I'm like this at six months just wait a few more and you'll have to carry me around"

"Both of you, you mean" he said kissing her.

"Yes the both of us, move let's get to work before we're late" Jay grabbed her bag and shut the door behind them both.

They walked into the bullpen and Charlotte went to sit at her desk across from Jay's, "Morning guys... I'll be back in a minute just gotta talk to Voight"

Jay knocked in the door when Antonio stood up, "Jay you may not want to go in?"


"Maybe just-" Jay opened the door and just stood there. There she was sat in the chair in front of Voight's desk.

"Oh. My. God" he said taking a step back

"Jay?" Erin said standing up in front of him but Jay took a few more steps back and shut the door.

Jay walked quickly back to his desk and turned around but he still heard the door open behind him, "Jay please..."

Charlotte stood and watched as Erin walked towards Jay, "I can't talk to you right now Erin"

"Jay, I needed space ok but I'm okay now and I want to talk things over with you".  Erin said but Charlotte got up out of her chair and walked over to Jay putting her hand on his shoulder, "You ok?" She whispered as Erin watched.

"I'm okay. You should sit"

"I'm fine Jay" Charlotte turned her head and looked at Erin, "Hi I'm Charlotte, I don't think I have met you before. I'm Jay's partner"

"Erin, I used to be Jay's partner before I got offered a job in New York"

"More like took off and left" Jay muttered under his breath.

"Jay can we please just talk in private" Erin said again

"Erin I'm busy you know, being a detective an all"

"I know you're made but i just need you to give me time to explain"

"Well we've gotta go talk to a family downtown, let's go" he said to Charlotte but as Charlotte turned around was when Erin got the full view of her baby bump, "ah you're expecting?"

"Yeah how many weeks how?" She said turning to Jay.

"22 weeks almost... let's go. See you guys later" Jay said as they left.

Erin didn't move until she heard the gate at the bottom of the stairs, "a baby" she said

"What did you expect Erin?" Voight said as he lent up against the door frame, "he was going to wait around for almost fours years before he moved on"

"How long they been together?"

"Two and a half years, she started just under a year after you left"

"My replacement you mean"

"You were never replaced Erin, you know that. We waited as long as we could"

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