Chapter: Four

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One month later and Jay was finally allowed to go back out into the field, but since Charlotte was now on desk duty, Jay didn't have a partner.

Voight walked out of his office and stood in front of the team, "were changed partner for now on, "Al and Kim, Ruzek and Atwater, Erin and Jay and Me and Dawson"

Erin and Jay turned their heads slightly and gave each other a little smile but not with out Charlotte noticing.

"Who's coffee run is it?" Dawson asked

"Mine and Erin's, let's go" Jay said grabbing his coat.

Erin and Jay walked into the coffee shop and ordered the coffees but as they waited Erin pulled Jay into the restroom. Jay's back pushed through the door as they kissed and stopped when his back hit the wall, "I've been needing this"

"Yeah I missed you" she kissed him again

"Charlottes going away next week, its the last time she can fly to see her mum before the baby is born"

"Your not going?"

"I said I had to work"

"Umm your place or mine?"

"Yours" Jay said kissing her running his fingers through her hair

Erin and Jay carried on kissing when she heard the barista shout for their coffees, "we should got back to the district"

"Yeah, let's get back" Jay said leaving the restroom with Erin.

Jay handed out the coffees and Erin sat down at her desk but she turned and saw Ruzek looking at her, "do you have a problem Adam"

"Do you go through a bush to get them coffees" he laughed

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your hairs all over the place" Erin lifted her phone up and looked through the screen at her hair which was stuck up on one side from Jay

"It was windy ok"

"Okay" Adam said turning back around.

Jay pulled his phone and typed on it and quickly put it away. He watched Erin as her phone pinged and she read the screen, 'close one' the text read and she peered up at him and nodded.

One week later

Erin sat up in bed and went to stand up when two arms wrapped around waist and pulled her backwards as she screamed, "Jay!"

"What... just a few more minutes"

"We're going to be late to work"

"But last night was so good" he moaned

"I know but we have a job to do and we have to keep this on the down-low"

Jay was kissing the side of her face when Erin turned to him, "I feel bad"

"Ughhh" he groaned laying back down in the bed, "Way to kill the mood Erin"

"Maybe you should end it first before we take this any further. She is your fiancé"

Jay pulled the cover off his legs and got out of bed as he grabbed his clothes, "I know I need to but I don't know how to do it"

"Well what would you rather do Jay... marry her and see me on the side whenever she's not here or you can just end it and we can be together and have our own family."

"I will do it Erin soon, but your right she still is my fiancé and I still love her as well as you"

"I know. I can wait"

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