Chapter: Eleven

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Day by day went by and Erin woke up again on the same bed and did what she did everyday, she got out of bed and pulled the door handle but it was locked and as she turned around and looked at the windows, she saw the bars which were across them. She looked out the window but there was nothing on that side, no house and now streets just a fence. She pulled her phone from under her bed but it still said the same thing like always, 'no signal'.

She sat back down on the bed and rubbed her bump which was now visible. "What am I going to do... come on Jay I know you'll find me" she said to herself.

At the district

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Jay shouted at everyone.

"We are looking Jay but it takes time" Voight said

"We might not have time... it's already been a month. They can't just disappear"

"No they can't do we are going to find them".

Jay walked out of the bullpen and Voight turned to Antonio, "anything?"

"Nothing at all"

"Dammit... erm did anyone check for her phone?"

"It wasn't here but it either off or there's no signal so we can't trace it"

"Keep checking, Erin's smart and she'll use that to her advantage"

"Yeah I hope so"

Erin's POV

I was laid on the bed when I heard the door unlock, "Morning!" He said walking in with food, "you hungry?"

"Not me But this one is" I rubbed my bump

"Yeah well here you go" he stood and opened the door, "can you keep it open?"

"Erin just because I love doesn't mean I trust you" he said shutting it and locking it. I laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I thought me acting nice would work but he's still the same, I know I couldn't get away and I already tried that and he almost beat me to death.

Jay's POV

I walked into his house and looked at all the pictures of Erin in the drawer. I missed seeing her face and I'm so worried about her. I have to come here everyday in case I manage to find something that we maybe missed that could help us find her. I can't remember the last time I had been back to our apartment and I was lucky my brother didn't mind having Elle to stay.

It was the next day and Erin was walking around the bedroom and she sat down on the floor as the door opened, "What are you doing on the floor?" Gary asked her

"I get cramp a lot"

"Yeah sorry the room isn't very big... our next house will be bigger so the baby will have a room." He put the food on the bed and turned his back, "you know I'm sick right?" Erin said

He turned his head to the side and then his body and looked at her, "What?"

"Yeah I have a condition that is dangerous for me and the baby. I get high blood pressure and I could lose the baby and I could die at any point"

"What do you do to stop it?"

"I have to take medication and I have to make sure I move around a lot to keep my blood pressure down"

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