Chapter: Ten

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It was day after the break in and Erin and Jay were at work. All Erin had done was look at the bruise on her face which had spread on most of her left side. Jay lent up against her desk and watched her stare into nothing, "why don't you go home?"

"I'm fine Jay, I'm just sat behind a desk and anyway I don't want to be alone at home"

"I know how you feel. I was going to talk to you if you maybe want to look at new apartments maybe even a house"

"But then we let him win"

"They are still looking for him but Erin I would rather let him win than him coming back and hurting you or Elle"

"Okay yeah it might be good to change"

"Okay just tell me if you want a break"

"Yes Jay I will".

Voight came out of his office and walked towards the board, "Two bodies were found this morning, 23 year old woman and her boyfriend also 23 were found dead in there apartment, looked like a robbery."

"If it's just these two with no other links then why has it been passed up here?" Antonio asked

"Because there are links... We got the guy, Gary Barnes on CCTV and he is the same guy who robbed your apartment block last night"

"What... he killed people?"

"Yeah there looked like a pretty bad struggle"

"Has he been spotted anywhere else?"

"Well apparently he went through a store this morning buying bandages and medical supplies so our guess is that he is injured... so check any hospitals and walk in centres... Jay do you wanna-"

"There is no way I'm sitting this one out, he saw our badges and guns. He knows we are cops and he knows where my family live. We are finding him."

It took at least a few hours before they found he had been at a walk in but now they had a name and address they could go looking for him. Erin was so worried as she watched Jay run out of the bullpen with the rest of the team to find him.

Jay kicked down the door and the team searched the house but it was empty, "anything?" Voight shouted


"Sarge you should see this" Antonio shouted as Everyone went into the room where he was.

Jay stood with Voight and Antonio looking a a drawer full of pictures of Erin, "What the hell is this, these are picture of Erin from like 6-7 years ago" Jay said

"Erin was stalked ages ago but she never told anyone apart from me. She always felt like someone was following her and watching her" Voight said

"And it's this guy who broke into our apartment"

"Maybe He was looking for her again"

Jay turned around a kicked a load of boxes across the room, "I gotta call her". Jay pulled out his phone but she didn't answer. He called the district next and Platt answered, "Trudy I need you to check on Erin now"

"She's busy"

"What's she doing?"

"Someone came to see her, said he was an old friend and it was urgent"

"He's not an old friend, he is stalking Erin and has been for the past eight years. Get him away from her now"

"I'm on it"

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