Chapter: Six

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It had been three months since Elle was born and it was finally the day Jay went back to work. After he dropped Elle off at the nanny which he hated doing he arrived at the district.

He walked into the bullpen and and sat down as the team welcomed him back, "thanks guys"

Voight was on his office when everyone heard a slam behind. Erin got out of her chair and opened his door, "Everything okay?" He was standing over his desk reading a file

"Bad case this morning and no one in the damn hospital can tell anything about the victims"

"Right Tell us what the case if for and we'll sort it out"

"Okay" Voight walked out of his office and pinned up three pictures of girls, "Melissa, Daisy and Abby, 18 years old and all taken from a high school soccer game, two months ago...Melissa and Abby were found this morning and are at med but Daisy is still missing"

"Where were they found?" Jay asked

"Melissa was dumped in front of med by a car, no one saw the car and Abby walked home from where ever she was left."

"Who's spoke to the girls?" Erin asked 

"No one yet, I need you and Jay to go and speak to them and I need everyone else to pull up all the CCTV footage from around the night they went missing"

Everyone split off to gather information and Jay and Erin left for med. Jay and Erin walked through the door and saw Maggie, "hey what can I do for you guys?" She said

"Two girls were admitted this morning, Mellisa and Abby. We need to talk to them"

"Sure you can talk to Abby but Mellisa had serious head trauma, she may not wake up"she pointed behind her

"Okay, Thanks Maggie" Jay said as they walked over into the room.

Erin walked in first and Abby was laid in bed, "Hey Abby I'm detective Erin Lindsey and this is Detective Jay Halstead-"

"Did they find Daisy?" Abby said

"No not yet do you know where she is?" Jay asked

"No we were together but we never saw where we were. It was always so dark. But she was really sick"

"Do you know what was wrong with her?" Erin asked

"..." she sat in silence

"It's really important we know what was wrong with her"

"Ugh She was pregnant" Abby blurted out

"Do you know how many months?"

"Around six I think she said"

"Okay Do you know who took you girls?"

"Daisy met this guy online and she said he would take us home but the next thing I remember is waking up in a house or something" Abby said

"Did you know his name?"

"No im sorry I can't-"

"That's Okay But it would be really good if you could tell us any information you remember" Erin said passing her card to her.


Jay and Erin walk out of the room and sighed, "those poor girls" Erin said

Erin and Jay walked into the bullpen and Jay grabbed the pen under the board, "So Melissa is in a coma so we couldn't talk to her but we spoke to Abby, she couldn't give us much she did tell us that Daisy is around six months pregnant"

"Did she know where they were?" Voight asked

"No she just said it was dark but they were all together" Erin said.

"Thanks guys" Erin and Jay sat down but Ruzek came running around the corner, "Adam?" Kim said

"We found some security footage of Abby, three days ago"

"Who was she with?" Dawson asked

"That's the thing, she wasn't with anyone... she was just walking down the street, no sign of bruises or anything"

"No she said she was with the girls the whole time" Erin said

"We also found out from med that last year she had a miscarriage"

"Get back to med and question that girl. It may not be triple abduction anymore" Voight said

At Chicago med

Jay ran through the doors with Erin behind him and ran into Abby's room. "Hey Ab-" Erin stopped, "she's gone"

Jay ran out the room and shouted at Maggie, "where's Abby?"

"I don't know, she was there a minute ago" Maggie said looking in

"Get security at the doors and get them to start looking for her now"

Jay and Erin started to check the floors of med but when they finally got to the top floor, jay turned around and saw her stood at the end of the hall, "Abby it's detective Halstead"

"You won't find her" she said before running off

"Erin this way" Jay ran after her and he followed her on to the roof. Jay and Erin stood in front of her with their guns out, Erin stepped forward and put her gun down, "Abby... if Daisy is really pregnant we need to know where she is"

"She doesn't deserve it... the father of her baby is my boyfriend... he said after we lost our little girl that we would be together"

"I'm very sorry that happened, but how you feel if another little baby died because Daisy couldn't be saved"

"It would have been her birthday tomorrow" She screamed

"I'm very sorry Abby but Daisy and Melissa were your friends"

"NO they always looked after each other but what about me.. whats gonna happen now"

"We are gonna save Daisy Abby but what do you thinks going to happen to you if she dies?"

"Ugh... The address is on my phone in my room..." Erin turned around and looked at Jay, "Go find her"

"Be careful"

"Always" Erin smiled at him.

Jay called the whole team to the address but he was already at the house, Jay kicked out the door and shouted around the house for Daisy and as he walked down the basement he twisted the handle of a locked door. After two times of hitting the door with his shoulder the door busted open and he saw Daisy lying on the floor, "Daisy...I'm a detective with the Chicago police department" he looked at her but she wasn't responding. Jay put an arm under her legs and back and lifted her up off the ground, "not today" he said out loud.

Jay was racing to med with Daisy in his backseat and he grabbed his phone, "Voight I found Daisy... she couldn't wait I'm taking her to med"

"I'll call ahead tell them you're coming"

"Okay" Jay put his phone down and put his foot down.

Jay's POV

I pulled her out off the car and ran through the doors of med. "Maggie!"

"In here"

I put her down and moved back, "Is she Okay? Is she breathing?" I questioned but I saw Will walk in, "I'll let you know"

I walked out of the room and took some deep breaths and when I looked the my left I saw Erin running towards me and as she got to me I grabbed her and hugged her, "I'm sorry..."

"I understand"

"No it was wrong" I said as I kissed her.

"You sure" She said through us kissing

"Yeah I'm sure" I said kissing her again.

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