Chapter: Fifteen

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It had been a month and Erin still hadn't woken up from her surgery. Jay sat next to her talking to their daughter who Jay had named Saffron.

Jay was feeling tired when Will walked in and looked at him, "you need a break Jay"

"I'm good. I just need coffee"

"No you need to shower, eat and sleep. It will be no help for Saffron if you pass out from exhaustion."

"I'll shower here and borrow your clothes then but I need you to look after Saffron for a little bit."

"Yeah that's fine and I'll stay here in case Erin wakes up"

"When is she gonna wake up though Will?"

"She responding to pain, so we know it will only be a matter of time before she wakes up"

Jay left the room and make his way to the staff room when his phone rung. He pulled it out of his pocket and put it to his ear, "Hello"

"It's Voight"

"Everything alright?"

"I need you to come down here quickly"

"Erm, Okay Will is sitting with Erin so yeah I'll be there soon"

Jay walked out of the hospital and made his way towards the district. After parking his car, he walked into the Bullpen and saw everyone look at him straight away, "what happened?"

Voight stood up and looked at him, "Jay why don't you-"

"No just tell me"

"Theirs a possibility the case may not go as far as we hoped"

"What the hell are you talking about Voight?"

"If Erin doesn't wake up, she can't give evidence and with Gary's lawyer-"

"What the hell... after what he did to her, after I nearly lost my baby. You sort this out Voight... he does not get away with. I swear that if he doesn't he doesn't get put away for this, I will get rid of him myself." Jay walked out as Voight caller his name, "don't do anything stupid Jay" he said as he walked out.

Wills POV

I was sat with Saffron staring out the window when I heard murmuring, "Erin?" I sat up and placed saffron in the Moses basket at the end of the bed. I stood and looked at Erin as he eyes opened, "Jay..."she murmured

"Erin it's Will"

"Will... where's... jay"

"He went to get some clothes"

"Are you alright?"

"I don't... what happened?" She looked over at me

"You collapsed, Nat found you. We had to rush you to surgery-"

"Did I lose the baby?" Her voice cracked

I stood up and walked to the end of the bed and slowly picked Saffron up from the basket, "Erin I think it's time you met your daughter"

"She ok" She said as I passed her over.

"Meet your daughter Saffron"

"Saffron... oh my god he actually picked an amazing name" Erin laughed through her tears. She sat up in the bed and looked down at her daughter, "your beautiful... you should call Jay"

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