Chapter: Thirteen

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Jay slouched in the chair and stared at the door, "it's been hours" he muttered to himself

"I know. She's gonna be ok" Will said sitting next to him but Jay didn't answer.

It was at least another hour until the doctor came out, "Family of Erin Lindsey"

"Yeah that's me... I'm her fiancé"

"So Erin was touch and go at first but the surgery went well and we managed to close the wound"

"Is she ok?"

"She's still asleep and I think she will be for quite some time, she extremely exhausted and dehydrated and along with her other injuries it's going to be a long recovery process-"

"What other injuries?"

"Well she was badly beaten on multiple occasions, her Right wrist is broken she has many cuts along her arms and face and she has a fractured nose and many bad bruises which will fade. Along with the physical side she may struggle with the emotional side so she needs lots of support"

"Wait wait... what the about the baby?"

"There's some bruising on her stomach but we don't think it has damaged the baby in any way and the knife just missed the baby by a few centimetres. If she was around eight to nine months then we would have delivered but because she is only five months we need to keep a close eye on her and the baby."

"I need to see her"

"Yeah come on"

Jay followed the doctor and walked in the room and looked at Erin who was laying on the bed. He sat down next to her and cried as he looked at her fragile body, "I'm so sorry Erin. I should have found you sooner. I should have stopped him from doing this to you"

He put her hand on her bump and placed his head on the bed, "I promise Erin that no one is ever going to hurt you again"

Erin's POV

I could hear someone talking but I didn't know who it was. I didn't want to wake up and maybe it would all be gone and everything would be over. I could still feel him on top of me, stabbing me on my body and I just wished it would stop.

Nobody's POV

The team were sat talking when they heard screaming from down the hall, "That's Erin!" Voight said as they ran towards the room.

Jay's head shot up from the bed and heard screaming, "GET OFF ME... STOP!" She cried.

"Er, it's Jay... Erin you're safe, it's Jay" she opened her eyes and looked up at him, "Jay?" She looked confused

"It's me Jay, you're safe at med"

"Where is he?" She grabbed on to Jay

"He's gone he's never going to hurt you again"

Jay sat behind Erin and held her in his arms, "it's over?"

"Yes Erin you're safe" he said hugging her as Voight and Antonio bursted through the door, "we're okay"

"You has us worried there for a minute" Voight said looking at Erin.

"Yeah sorry"

"How are you?"

"It not me I'm worried about it's the baby"

"The baby is ok, she is ok..." Jay said

"She?" Erin's eyes filled up with tears

"Yeah it's another girl, Elle gonna have a little sister"

"Where is she?"

"She's with a nanny today, Will be looking after her but he had to come back to work"

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