Chapter: Seven

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Six months later

Erin rolled over in bed but she pulled her arm back as her skin touched the other side which was freezing. She was still laid in bed when she heard crying from outside the door. She pulled herself out of the bed and saw Jay in the lounge, "Jay..."

"I don't know what's wrong with her... she has been crying all night"

"Why didn't you wake me" Jay passed Elle to Erin, "morning georg-"

"Jay's she really hot... did to take her temperature?"

"No she was freezing a few hours ago"

"Has she been sick at all?"

"Once but that just happens with babies... I should take her to med" Jay took her back from Elle.

"I'll come with you" Erin grabbed the bags from the side.

Will's POV

I was checking a files on the computer when I heard crying and saw Jay out of the corner of my eye, "Jay?"

"I don't know what wrong with her... she was sick and then she has been crying for hours"

"It's ok we'll take a look. Come in here" Jay walked into the room and placed Elle down on the bed.

"Do you know whats wrong with her?" Jay panicked

"We'll do some tests, try not to panic"

Nobody's POV

Jay sat down next to Elle as Will left and he grabbed Erin's hand, "Sorry for making you come with us"

"Jay we spoke about this. We are a family. You should have woke me" she kissed him

"I know" he kissed her back

It was at least a few hours before Will finally came back into the room and Elle was asleep on the bed, "what's going on?"

"Well her temp was very high at 104 but she has a slight fever"

"But She was shaking" Erin said

"That's normal with a fever but I've got you some meds' that you can give her to help the fever go down"

"Thanks Will... sorry for coming in" Jay said

"Look we get hundreds of children in the ER it's nothing new and it was a good job you brought her just to make sure it was nothing worse"

"Well we gotta get to work" Erin picked Elle up off the bed and held her in her arms.

Jay and Erin got in the car and drove to the nanny and then finally got to the district, "morning guys" Erin said said walking in with Jay.

"Jay?" Voight said

"Sorry we were at med"

"Everything alright... Erin?"

"No, Yeah Elle Just has a fever but we went to get her checked anyway"

"That's fine. Glad shes alright"

Jay and Erin were stood talking and drinking coffee in the break room, "so I wanted to talk to you... we have been together for quite a long time now and we are happy and I wanted to know if-" Jay stopped talking when Voight came in, "Jay your phone will not stop ringing"

"I'll check it out" Jay walked out to his desk and read his phone screen but when he did a look of panic came over his face, "it's the nanny"

Jay dialled the number and she picked up, "Kate it's Jay... what happened... I'm on my way"

Jay put the phone down and grabbed his coat, "VOIGHT!"

"What?" He came out of his office

"Elle passed out, she being taken to med I gotta get down there"

"Sure Go now"

Jay looked at Erin and she stood up, "stay here Voight needs you here. I'll call you" he said giving her a quick kiss before running down the stairs.

Jay got to med and saw Will, "Will you said she was ok?"

"She was okay but she has gotten worse since this morning"

"We think she has pneumonia"

"You think?"

"We are just waiting for the test results"

"I need to be with her"

"Sure, She's still sleeping"

Jay sat down in the chair and pulled out his phone.

Erin's POV

I was sat talking to Antonio about the case when my phone was ringing, "Jay, what have they said?"

"They are waiting for tests but they think she had pneumonia"

"God Jay... I'm going to come down there"

"Okay I'll see you in a bit"

I put my phone down and I knocked on Hanks door, "They're saying Elle had Pneumonia. I have to get down to med"

"Yeah sure... let me know"

"Thanks Hank" I said grabbing my keys and heading downstairs.

The next day

Jay woke up in the chair next to Elle's bed and he looked over and saw Erin asleep next to her on the bed. He slowly got up and went out the room. Jay was walking back with coffee when he saw Will, "Morning... do they know what wrong now?"

"Yeah she has a really bad case of pneumonia. She'll have to stay in till it clears up"

"Thanks I should get back to Erin"

"How's it going with Erin?"

"Good we're happy"

"Did you ask her?"

"No I tried and then I found out about Elle."

"Well I think you should do it"

"Yeah I'm just trying to find the right time"

Jay went back to room and sat down and looked at Erin who was still fast asleep with Elle in her arms.

What do you think Jay wants to ask Erin? Please comment and review.

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