Chapter: Nine

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Erin sat down on the desk and looked over at Jay, she saw his mouth move and she shook her head, "Why!" He whispered

"No!" She said back

"They should know Erin..."


Erin and Jay turned their heads forwards and saw everyone looking at them, "Everything ok?" Antonio asked

"Fine" Erin said

"It seems like somethings going on?"

"There is" Jay quickly said

"JAY!" Erin shouted

"Ugh" Erin stood up and slammed the file on the desk, "I am pregnant!"

As soon as Erin said it they both saw smiles and filled with congratulations, "How far?" Voight asked

"16 weeks we wanted to wait until we were safe"

"Well congrats" Voight hugged Erin and shook Jay's hand, "Thanks Hank" Erin said.

Jay and Erin were home and Jay walked out of Elle's room and closed the door. Jay turned around and Erin was sat in the kitchen, "I thought we said we wasn't going to tell them yet Jay"

"For god sake Erin, you're four months and your starting to show. did you not think they noticed through the morning sickness and hormones"

"I get your point Jay but you forced that on me and I don't like to feel pressured"

"You know what Erin, do you know why I got you to tell everyone... because you are still going out there everyday with your gun in your hand being shot at and I dream at night that we are going to get separated one day and you are going to get shot and im going to lose you and our unborn child..."

"Jay?" Erin stood up but Jay just turned his back to her and walked into the bedroom.

The next morning Erin and Jay still weren't talking and he didn't wait around before taking Elle to pre-school. Erin walked out of the bedroom and realised he was gone, "I guess I'll drive myself to work" she says grabbing her keys and leaving.

Erin walked into the district and felt sick again but this time it felt different. She started to walk towards the stairs when Platt shouted her, "You alright Erin... you look a little pale"

"Yeah... yeah I'm good Trudy" Erin continued walking up the stairs till she was out of Platt's view. She finally got into the bullpen and saw Antonio on his phone and Atwater and Ruzek messing about like usual. She lent up against the wall and started taking deep breaths when Antonio looked over, "you alright Lindsey?"

Erin pushed herself off the wall and stepped forward, "Yeah...I just need-" before Erin managed to finish her sentence she collapsed to the ground.

Antonio almost fell out of his seat as he ran over and got down on the fall next to Erin, "Kevin get an ambo down here now... Voight!" He shouted as he came running out.

"Erin can you hear me?" He kept asking but she wouldn't answer, "Erin wake up" her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Antonio, "what happened?"

"You fainted... we called an ambo"

"I don't need an ambulance"

"Erin you need to go to med get checked out"

"Drive me then"

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