Chapter: Fourteen

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"It's like I can still feel him on top of me and I don't know how to stop it. I can't tell him Nat" Erin cried

"I know you may not be able to tell him Er. But I think he already knows"

Erin watched as the nurse picked her stuff up and walked away, "Thanks that's all I need" she said walking out.

Erin rolled over in the bed and looked at Nat, " it over?"

"Yeah it is"

"What will happen?"

"They'll send it off and test for everything but this can also be used as evidence in the case"

"I hate it when you all talk to me like I'm a victim"

Natalie grabbed her hand and looked at her, "Erin you are a victim. You went through something for a long time which you had no control over"


"No buts Erin, you cannot blame yourself for this"

"Will you go find Jay for me?"

"Erin, he's right outside. He hasn't left sight of this room since you got here" Natalie said as she stood up and walked out.

Jay walked in and sat down next to Erin and she put her hand. Jay slid his fingers through her hand and looked at her, "You ok?"

"I'm gonna be ok... it's really hard for me to talk about it and I can't say it but I need to know that you are still going to look at me the same"

"Erin I know Okay. You don't have to talk about it and you never have to worry about me thinking anything different about other than I love you."

Erin wiped the tears from her face and put her head back down on the pillow.

"I'm gonna go talk to Will, but I'll be back soon" Jay said as he kissed her on the head and left.

Three months later

It wasn't long after Erin went home when she had to come straight back to the hospital. Erin was asleep in bed when she left something on her blanket. As she sat up she looked under and saw a pool of blood. "Shit..." Erin got out of bed and walked towards the door but she could feel the blood running down legs. She pushed the handle down on the door or pulled it open and as she pulled herself out the room she watched as she put her bloody hand print on the wall.

She walked a few steps further but as she turned the corner she collapsed to the floor.

Natalie's POV

I was on my way back to see how Erin was doing when I noticed blood on the wall. I looked in Erin's room and noticed she wasn't there but as I walked down the hall I noticed the same trail of blood on the wall but it wasn't until I walked around the corner when I saw Erin lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, "ERIN!" I got down on the floor next to her and looked at her, "I need some help...NOW!" I shouted behind me at the nurses who were walking past.

"Erin can you hear me?" I watched as she opened her eyes and looked up at me, "what's happen-" but before Erin could either finish her sentence she lost consciousness.

I grabbed the gurney as it was rolled towards and we picked Erin up off the floor, "Get me bloods and an ultrasound machine now".

I pushed into a open room when I saw Will coming my way, "Will it's Erin!"

"What the hell happened?"

"I found her like this. She collapsed and she's lost a lot of blood"

I pulled the ultrasound machine towards me and pulled Erin top up over her bump. As I slid the probe against her stomach, I saw what was wrong straight away.

"Hey which OR is free?" I asked a nurse


"We need to get her there now"

"Nat what's going on?" Will asked me

"The baby is is distress and there's an abruption. If we don't get this baby out now then we are going to lose them both"

"Let's go now!" We wheeled Erin out of the room and into the elevator.

Nobody's POV

Jay walked through the hospital doors with Elle in his arms and Kim and Adam were walking next to him.

"So you thinking about coming back to work?" Adam asked as they stepped into the elevator. "I'm not sure. I spoke to Erin a few months ago but she wasn't ready for me to leave her yet and went she collapsed in the apartment... I just don't know yet"

"We're all cool bro."

Every stepped out of the elevator and as Jay walked closer to the room her saw the blood on the wall and as he walked stepped in front of the door her saw more of the blood, "Hey Elle, let's go to auntie Kim for a little bit" Jay said passing her over.

He opened the door and followed the trail of blood to the bed where there was just a massive pool of blood on the bed. Jay ran out and over to the nurses desk, "wheres Erin Lindsey?"

"She's in Surgery"


"I'm sorry I've got to go, there's an emergency coming in" the nurse said running off.

"What!" Jay ran down the hall and into the elevator as Adam and Kim joined him, "what's going on?" She asked

"I don't know" he ran out of the elevator and saw Will walking through the doors, "Will I just got told that Erin is in surgery"

"Jay she lost a lot of blood and she collapsed in the hall. We don't know what happened at first but she has a severe placental abruption."

"What happened"

"Jay when we found Erin she has collapsed in the hall and lost so much blood."

"Is she dead?"

"She isn't dead but we don't know if she is going to wake up"

"What about the baby?"

Will peered over his shoulder and saw Nat, "Well meet your newborn daughter"

Tears fell from jay's eyes as he stood holding on to his tiny little newborn daughter.

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