Chapter: Two

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It had been a week since Erin was back and Jay still wasn't talking to her. Jay was sat at his desk when Charlotte sat on his knee, "You alright" Jay asked

"Yeah but it's not me I'm worried about. You've hardly spoken in the past week"

"I'm okay, just tired."

"Yeah lots of cases coming through lately"

"I know" Jay grabbed her hand then Erin walked up the stairs and sat down bed to Jay.

"Anyway I'll go back to my desk"

"Yeah no offence but your a little heavy now"

"Hey... you made me this heavy remember" she said hitting his shoulder

"Sorry" he laughed.

Erin's POV

I know I chose to leave everything behind in Chicago but I still loved Jay and seeing Jay and Charlotte together just made me miss him even more. Me and Jay were good together and it was a time in our lives where we were both happy. I miss it and would do anything to have that back.

I turned my head and looked at Jay, "any new cases?" I asked but I didn't get a reply

"Jay we work together come on"

Jay wouldn't say a word to me, he just got up out of his chair and walked into the breakroom. I don't know what I'm going to do if he won't speak to me again.

Jay's POV

I still love Erin and I knew I had to tell myself that I couldn't speak to Erin. Deep down I've always loved Erin but I don't know how I could break the heart of the woman who is carrying my child. I feel bad because I want to talk to her but it's not just about me and Erin anymore, especially when other people are involved.

Maybe if I never met Charlotte then I would still be waiting to take her back but I can't ruin what I have now. It took me while to be happy again and that quickly disappeared when Erin came back to Chicago.

Nobody's POV

Voight stood in front of the board and stuck on two pictures of two guys, "Bobby Mason and Theo Smith"

"I know them two" Jay said

"Yeah from the undercover you did five years ago and they're back"

"What did they do?"

"Their whole gang were killed in a house downtown. Bobby and Theo killed them all and they are recruiting again"

"Killing their own isn't really something they do, do we know why?" Erin asked

"If they thought they had a rat then they were going to kill them all anyway" Dawson said

"Right so... Jay?"

"You want me to go undercover again, but what if they recognise me"

"They won't. We pulled the files and you didn't work with them. You work with everyone they killed"

"I guess I'll do it" Jay agreed but Erin turned her head and looked at Jay, "You think that's a good idea?"

"You never had a problem with it before you left what's your problem with it now"

"Can we get over the fact that Erin left. She's back for good. Conversation done finished" Voight said.

"Yeah" Erin and Jay both said

"Good Halstead go get dressed"

Jay stood up and put his hand out to Charlotte, "You coming?"

"Yeah of course"

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