Chapter: Three

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Jay had just enough strength to drag himself up the steps of the district, not before leaving the trail of blood behind him.

Earlier that day

Jay was just waking up when he rolled over in bed and saw the alarm clock, '13:00'

"Shit" Jay said knowing he had overlaid but as he rolled back over in bed he heard a massive bang from outside his bedroom and he knew it was the sound of his hotel room door. He didn't know what to do, he had no gun nothing. Everything was at the district but he didn't have enough time anyway because his door burst open and he was dragged out of bed until he landed hard on the floor, "What the hell?" He said looking up at Bobby and Theo

"We had you followed last night. Do you like to make little phone calls when you get in"

"What are you talking about?" He said defending himself.

"You were heard talking to Mr Hank Voight, Sargent of CPD intelligence unit."

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"It's too late now don't you think" Bobby punched Jay in the face knocking to the ground and then Theo had a go but it was like they had planned to take it in turns and they continued hitting him until he could actually see anything anymore and all he could see was black.

A few hours later Jay pushed himself off the ground and lent up against the wall. He couldn't believe he was still alive, he was so sure they were going to kill him. As he pushed himself out the hotel room he was almost collapsing on the way but he knew it wasn't far to the district and he had to get there.

Jay had just enough strength to drag himself up the steps of the district, not before leaving the trail of blood behind him. He pushed opened the door and collapsed on the the floor as Platt ran from behind the desk to him, "get Voight now!" She shouted at one of the patrolmen

"Jay what happened?"

"They... found. Out" he said as blood spluttered out of his mouth.

Voight and the team were sat on desks looking at the board when they heard something going on downstairs but then seconds later, someone came running around the corner, "Voight, It's detective Halstead"

The team ran downstairs as fast as they could but it was Charlotte who pushed her way through the crowd of people, "Jay!" She got down on the floor next to him.

"Someone call an ambulance" she fanatically said

"They're on their way" someone shouted through.

Jay looked up and saw Erin standing in front of him but they was the last person he saw before he passed out.

At Chicago med

Everyone was sat in the waiting room when Will came through the doors, "Will?" Erin said as herself and the rest of the team stood up

"Jay's going to be ok. He has broken nose and lots of cuts and bruises. Also quite a few bruises on his abdomen but he's ok, just sleeping"

"Can I see him?" Charlotte asked

"Yeah sure"

The team sat back down while Charlotte to see him but Voight went and sat next to Erin who was tapping her foot up and down on the floor, "You ok?"


"You still love him?"

"Of course I still love him" she whispered

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