Chapter: Eight

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Hope you are all enjoying so far.Shorter Chapter this time but two big announcements.

Elle was sat chattering away to herself while Jay was gathering her stuff up, "how can a baby have so many toys and stuffed animals?" He questioned to himself.

He put the bag over his shoulder and picked Elle up off the bed, "let's go home miss Elle", Jay walked out of the hospital and saw Maggie on his way, "I got all the paperwork right?"

"Yep all sorted. Glad she's all better"

"Me too I did not expect for it to take as long as it did and thank you for making her first birthday amazing even though she was in the hospital"

"No problem it was lovely to see you everyday but I'm glad she is all healthy"

"Thanks again!" Jay turned around and walked out of med and to his car.

At the district
Erin walked out of the break room and sat down with coffee when Voight came out to talk to the team, "wheres Jay?"

"Elle's coming home today"

"You not want to be there?"


"You sure?"

"YES... Hank can we just get on with the case"

"Okay" Voight walked away and put all his attention on the board.

After Voight has finished talking Erin pulled out her phone and dialled Jay but it went straight to voicemail, she threw her phone down and slouched back in her chair, "Erin?" Voight called from her office


"Come here"

Erin pulled herself from her chair and walked into his office, "do you need something?"

"What's going on with you and Jay"

"Nothing... I don't know he's just being really distant lately"

"Have you spoke to him?"

"No because I know he is trying to find the right time to end it with me and if I bring it up he will do right there and then"

"Talk to him Erin"

"Well he dropped me off this morning so he's picking me up tonight but I just don't want to lose him... again"

"Ok but just do it before he does"

"Fine" Erin turned back around and went out into the bullpen.

Jay's POV

I sat down on the couch next to Elle and she looked up at me and smiled, "daaaa" she shouted at me making me laugh

"Miss Elle, I have a question to ask..." I pulled out the red box from my pocket and opened it, "Do you like this ring... I think Erin is going to love it" I closed the box as she pulled it away from me and tried to open it.

A few hours later

Jay walked into the bullpen and saw Voight, "where's Erin"

"Break room"

Jay walked over and opened the door and Erin was facing the cupboard, "Look Jay I love you so much but I need you to tell me if you don't want to do this anymore..." she turned around and looked at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you are being distant because you don't want to do this anymore and I love you and Elle so much, god I love her like she's my own-"

Jay walked over to Erin and grabbed her hands, "I don't want to end it Erin, I'm crazy about you"

"Then why haven't you been talking to me"

"I don't want to break up with you Erin... I want to marry you"

"What?" Jay saw her eyes fill up with tears as he pulled out the box, "I have been quiet because I've nervous about asking you to marry... so will you?"

"Of course I will" she grabbed the ring and slid it down her finger and jumped into Jay's arms and kissed him.

"I love you" She said

"I love you" he kissed her.

"Look I know your not Elle's biological mum but she will never get a chance to meet her mum and there's only my name on the birth certificate and obviously I will tell Elle when she is older about Charlotte but i wanted to ask you if you wanted maybe adopt Elle so she will always have one of us there in case something happens"

"Jay I would be honoured to have Elle as a daughter."

"Thank you" he hugged her.

One year later

Elle was now two but Erin and Jay still weren't married. As Erin walked out of the bathroom she quickly slipped something into her pocket. Erin sat down next to Jay on the couch and fiddled with his hand, "what's wrong?" Jay asked.

"Why does anything have to be wrong"

"Cause I know you Erin"

"I was just thinking how Elle is two that we-"

"You want a baby?"

"I don't know I just feel like it will be good for Elle to have a sibling and grow up with someone she can look after and play with"

"But I'm scared about what might happen!"

"Jay nothing bad is going to happen and I will be so careful"

"When do you want to try?"

"Well... erm... I kind of already am" She pulled the test out of her pocket and showed him

"What... when did you find out?"

"I just took the test"

"Are you sure?"

"Well I took three and they were all positive"

He lent forward and kissed her, "I'm so happy... but we are telling everyone as soon as possible"

"I know we do but not right now... anyway we are going to be late so move your arse from this couch Halstead"

"Ok ok" she pulled his arm and he got up from the couch.

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