Chapter: Twelve

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"LET ME GO!" Erin screamed pushing herself up from the bed.

"Erin you need to calm down" Maggie said

"He's gonna hurt me again... the baby!" She cried.

"Erin you are safe"

"No I'm never going to be safe!"

Earlier that day

Erin was looking out of the window when the door burst open and she was grabbed by Gary, "What's going on?"

"They're trying to separate us again"

"Why don't we just stay huh, here together"

"But if they find us"

"How would they find us if you don't answer the door, they aren't going to kick it down"

"A family?"

"Yes but we need to sort some things out. I need clothes, I have changed or showered and I can't stay in that room any longer, I feel like I'm going crazy"

"You promise you want to do this"

"Why wouldn't I. Happy life, child on the way"

"I can get you clothes from the stores downtown. I'll be back soon" he kissed Erin on the cheek as he left and locked the door. 

Erin took a deep breath as he left and she put her head in her hands, "What am I going to do?" She said. Erin started to walk around the house and looked for anything, keys, phone but there wasn't anything to help her. She at on the couch when he remembered the phone she had upstairs. She ran upstairs and grabbed the phone, she knew that room didn't get signal so she had to find some.

Erin ran back downstairs and as she walked into the kitchen, she noticed two bars pop up on her phone.

At the district

Antonio was working through footage when his computer started beeping, he glanced over and noticed it was Erin phone, "Guys Erin's phones just turned on"

Voight shot up from the nearby desk and ran over, "dial it!"

Antonio picked up the phone and dialled it and waited from an answer.

Erin was unlocking the phone when it popped up with the district number, "hello?" She put the phone to her ear


"Oh thank god-"

"Are you alright, where are you?"

"I knew that woman called... I heard all the sirens. I'm literally 5 minutes away from the store"

"We are going to trace your phone and find you ok"

"Is Jay there?"

"No but we will get him to you."

"I have to get out of here!"

"We are coming to get you"

"No he's gonna be back soon"

Erin put the phone down and slid it into her pocket and as she turned around she walked straight into Gary who has been standing behind her the whole time, "What are you doing?"

"I was just..."

Jay's POV

I was walking back from getting coffee when I saw a car speeding towards me. As I stepped back I saw Voight and Dawson and the rest of the team speed past, "What's going on?"

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