Chapter: Five

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Jay sat in a chair at Chicago Med holding on to his daughter who was born less than an hour ago. Erin stood quite far but lent against the wall and watched him, "how is he?" Will asked walking over

"Quiet... barely said a word"

"Why don't you go sit with him"

"No, I should give him some space. He needs to come to me. You should go to him"

"Yeah. I just got off shift" Will took a step forward when Erin called him, "Do they know what happened?"

"She had an abruption, she had been bleeding for quite some time before she had the baby" Will said walking away and sitting down next to his brother.


"How you doing?"

"I don't know yet. It doesn't feel like she's gone"

"I'm so sorry Jay-"

"I've heard this all before Will... there was nothing you would have been able to do right"

"No there wasn't"

"She doesn't even have a name" he looked down at her

"You don't have to do it yet. There's still time"

"Where is everyone?" Jay asked

"Every else went home apart from Voight who's getting coffee and Erin here's"

"Where?" He lifted his head and looked at Will

"She's just over there"

"I need you too hold her a minute, I'll be back" Jay said passing her to Will.

"It's ok, take your time"

Erin was watching Jay and Will when Jay was walking towards Erin with a stern look on his face, "Jay I-" Erin started to say but Jay wrapped his arms around her and put his head on her shoulder and cried, "I'm so sorry Jay"

"It's my fault, I should have told her"

Erin lifted jay's head up and looked him in the eyes, "there is not one part of this which is your fault, ok and you need to tell yourself that"

"Maybe if I drove her-"

"Did you hear me Jay, there was nothing which could have been done" she hugged him again.

Jay and Erin sat down on the chairs next to them, "I don't know what to do with her"

"What do you mean?"

"I've never looked after a baby before"

"You're gonna be an amazing dad" Erin grabbed his hand but he pulled away and stood up, "Sorry, I should get back to her"


"No Erin, look at what we did. Sneaking around behind her back and now look. She's dead" he cried walking away.

Erin turned around and walked away. She felt so bad and deep down she was going to blame herself for all of this. Erin walked out of the hospital and got in her car and drove to her apartment.

Jay's POV

I sat down and took my daughter from my brother and stared at her, "I know your mom wanted to name you but she can't do that any more. I'm so sorry you are going to grow up without her there but I promise you that i will do both jobs forever".

I got up and placed her in the carrier and carried her out towards the exit but as I was about to walk through the door, I was shouted by Voight, "Where's Erin?"

"I don't know. I've got more important things to worry about"

"Has something happened?"

"Yeah the last few months I should have spent with my fiancé, I spent with Erin and Charlotte died before even having to chance to look at her daughter"

"This isn't Erin fault Jay"

"No it's not Erin's fault... it's mine" I said walking out the door to my car.

As I walked through the apartment door, I just saw all of her stuff straight away, her clothes and her bag and I just wanted it all to be gone. I walked into the nursery and placed our daughter in her crib and shut the door.

Nobody's POV

Jay walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the trash bags out of the drawer and he opened the bag he started to put everything in it of Charlottes, clothes, bags even magazines.

It took him hours till it was all gone and the apartment looked almost empty. Jay laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling, "I'm going to look after her Charlotte" he said before dropping off to sleep.

One week later

Charlottes funeral had happened a few days after she died, it was small but it was a time where Jay could properly say goodbye to her.

Erin walked into the district and saw all the team sat staring at nothing, "so how is everyone?" She asked

"Alright" Antonio said

"No Jay?" She looked at his desk

"No he had to take paternity leave because you know..."

"Yeah I know, anyone spoke to him?"

"Not since the funeral, he hasn't picked up my calls" Adam said.

"Give him space, he'll come to us when he's ready" Antonio said

Everyone agreed and started the case which had just come in.

Jay woke up to the sound of cries coming from next to him and as he rolled over her looked up into the Moses basket and saw his daughter awake, "good morning Elle" he said picking her up out of her basket

"I think we should have breakfast and go see all of your auntie and uncles at this district because I'm sure they miss you" Jay said to her walking out into the kitchen.

It took Jay a few hours before he was finally dressed, got Elle dressed and got her milk, changing bag and stroller set up and when he was finally sorted he made his way to the district. Jay walked to the district as it wasn't far and lifted the stroller up the steps and when he looked over he saw Platt, "Hey Jay..." she said

"Hey Trudy, can I leave the stroller down here, I can't get it up the stairs"

"Sure... Yeah" Trudy said as Jay picked Elle up and walked up the stairs leaving Trudy a little bit confused.

Antonio saw Jay as he was walking up the stairs, "Jay!"

"Hey guys, thought it was time you saw your little niece" he passed her to Antonio

"She is so cute Jay, have you finally decided on a name?"

"Yeah guys her name is Elle"

"I love it"

"It took a while but it's decided"

"Well I'm happy for you"

"Thanks. She's all I need right now" Jay said not even addressing Erin.

This chapter may be a little boring but it will pick up soon.

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