Chapter 5: In Bed

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Zach shook Sara to wake her up. "Good morning love.", Zach smiled. "Good morning.", Sara replied. "Do you want to sit outside?", Zach asked. "Yeah."," Then let's go!", he pulls Sara up from the bed. They walk into the cold morning air. There was a lovely breeze with the sun shining brightly onto the house. "This is my favorite part of the day.", Zach said as he wrapped his arms around Sara (she was cold). "Have I ever said I love you?", Sara asked. "One million times and I've said it back double.", Zach laughed.

Back in the house, Jonah wakes Julia up. "Hey, wake up.", "Why can't you sound cute like how Zach talks to Sara? Or Jack and Alyssa? They're adorable together.", They both laugh. She gets out of bed and walks downstairs. They pass Jack on the way down. He was going up. He reached the guest room and slowly opened the door. He silently walks in and lays on the bed next to Alyssa. She was still in bed. He wraps his arms around her. Jack is only in his pajamas: adidas sweatpants he looks good in. Alyssa turns around and sees his face right next to hers. "Where's your shirt?", she stares. "I thought you would like this more.", he smiles. He kisses her and she kisses back. This time it lasted longer and was more aggressive than before. Jack rolls over to find himself in a crawl position over Alyssa. She runs her hands through his curly hair, something she had always wanted to do. Corbyn walks by to go to the stairs and looks in the room. He thinks to himself as he passes," Jack looks busy, I'll wait to ask if he could make pancakes. I would never want to interrupt something like that." Alyssa's hands wonder down to his back and jack rolls to his side so he can pull her in. Then, their chests were touching. Jack pulls himself away. "What's wrong?", Alyssa asked. "One of the boys could see us. They'll tell each other and Sara could figure it out and it'll spread like wildfires.","They would never do that."

Alyssa and Jack got changed into the new clothes they bought yesterday from the shops. There wasn't really anything to do today, just be lazy and FaceTime Christina. They day was a blur. It went by so fast because they didn't do anything. Everyone kept trying to FaceTime Cristina but she never answered until 7:00pm (10:00pm Cristina's time- she lives in New York). She was so nice when they got the chance to talk, and it lasted for a solid 45 minutes. It was time to sleep, everyone had showered and changed. They agreed on Watching an Avengers movie. Jack and Alyssa cuddled, Jonah and Julia cuddled, Zach and Sara cuddled, and- to be funny- Corbyn and Daniel cuddled. The movie was good, but half way through, Alyssa fell asleep in Jack's lap and he carried her upstairs to his bed, where the both fell asleep. When the movie ended Julia was also asleep, but her and Jonah shared the couch because he said, "We'd be closer together and I want to cuddle", to Corbyn. Zach and Sara slept in the guest bed and Corbyn and Daniel slept in there own.

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