Chapter 23: Happily Ever After

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"JACK!" her voice repeated. Her voice echoed, bouncing around in my head. The volume was rather harsh, but her voice was airy, smooth and warm. You could say it was relaxing. I heard it again. Finally, it had stopped. Her voice was relaxing, but I hated  to hear her worried about someone who seemed to be dead. 

The darkness had gone. I was now in a hospital bed with a girl beside me, who was sobbing. 

"Alyssa, his heart beat is normal!" a familiar girl said. She was standing next to someone who was oddly familiar as well.

ALYSSA?!  I had figured out who the voice was: my girlfriend Alyssa. And the girl and boy that I saw towards the back of the room were  Julia and Jonah- some of my best friends!


Jack had burst up from the hospital bed. 

"Jack!" Alyssa exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him. 

"Are you okay? You've got blood shot eyes." Daniel asked, and indeed he did.

"Not really, I had a dream where I was in a small room sitting in a chair with a spotlight over my head. But, for some reason i wasnt tied up. A man told me I was about to be executed, after I saw my hand cut open as if I was tortured. When the man left, I saw an open door, so I ran down a long hallway into a much larger room, almost like an arena. There were seats filled with the old, and a surgeon in the middle- who was my executor. At the top of the high ceiling, there was and opened door. I ran back to the small room and found bandages. I wrapped my hands, ran into the arena, and somehow climbed to the open door. Before I could escape, I fell to my death. Then everything went dark and I could hear Alyssa."

"That's really deep, what do you think it meant?" Jonah asked.

'I'm not sure, I'm just glad it was a dream." Jack said. A doctor walked into the room. 

"Mr. Avery? Unfortunately, your arm is broken. We will need to wrap it, and then you may leave." he said. 

Over time, Jack's arm had healed, he recovered from the nightmare, and Alyssa was okay again. Everyone was still all best friends and couldn't be happier. 


Everyone was happy and healthy, and nothing tragic happened after Jack's arm healed. Jack and Alyssa were still dating, Corbyn and Christina were still together, so were Jonah and Julia, Sara and Zach, and Daniel and Lexi. 

"We've gathered you five girls hear today [Christina was visiting for a week at the new house] because we have a very special surprise for you." the boys said as they watched the bored expressions on the girls' faces change to excitement. "We would absolutely love it if you came to Florida with us for a week to go to Universal Studios and Disney!"

The girls all agreed and hugged and kissed there boys. Those 10 would know each other forever and always be bestfriends.

Once everyone had settled down, Corbyn said, "Can I talk to the boys for a minute in the kitchen? Please, don't eavesdrop though. Normally I wouldn't mind but right now its too important." Christina nodded. the boys walked into the kitchen and circled around Corbyn. he began to say quietly, "I'm too nervous, I cant  wait to give this to Christina at Disney!" he had pulled out a small  square box with a beautiful diamond ring inside to sit on her finger for the rest of her life.

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