Chapter 12: Arguments

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"No babe, we better sleep.", Daniel sighs. And with that, they fell into bed and slept.

The next day was rough. All the girls slept at the boys' house. There was a severe storm, keeping everyone up. The only one without a girl companion by his side the whole night was Corbyn. He missed Christina, dearly, but they FaceTime at least every other day, anyways. Everyone was in a bad mood that morning. Jonah was so fed up with Julia (she wanted to taste his coffee because hers was different), he almost splashed coffee in her face- almost, that is. Jack stubbed his toe in the same spot he always did and thought it would be necessary to curse about it loudly. Sara was eating cereal and dropped some on her shirt. There were other catastrophes, but those were the highlights. The boys had all got the girls swimsuits- except Corbyn- and went swimming with them. Half the time Julia would try and jump in the pool, but land on top of Jonah, who was stupidly trying to catch her. He got elbowed in the chest maximum: 5 times. Zach seemed to think it was funny, yet Jonah thought it hurt, so the two decided to have a 'Noodle Fight', but with pool noodles, not Jack's hair.

Their morning was pretty normal, just swimming. They ate lunch and then Corbyn had the brilliant idea of, "Hey! You guys should meet Logan Paul for the first time! He wants to meet you guys, and you can see Kong, Aria, Even, Brendan, and Lydia too!","What about Maverick?", Sara asked. "He hates everyone except Lydia and Logan. I don't recommend going too close to him, but I suppose you could see him.", Zach interrupted.

They called an uber and went to Logan's house- even though it's technically not his anymore. They walk up to the door and here a plate smash. They knock, and Lydia answers. "Hey, it's the boys and- ooh special guests huh?", you could tell Logan was vlogging because of his attitude, and the obvious camera in there face. Alyssa sees Kong runs over to him. "Hi puppy! Ooh, Kong, you're so cute! Yes you are!", she squealed. Everyone walks in. "Can I see Aria?", Sara asked. "Oh Yeah, Logang, this is the first time they get to meet Aria!", Logan yells at his camera.

They meet everyone- off the vlog of course. In fact, Logan ended the vlog and they were all just sitting there. Daniel and Lexi were on the couch, Sara was on the love seat, Julia was at Logan's desk, Lydia was in her chair by the table, Brendan had to leave, Logan and Jonah were trying to smash plates in trick shots, Corbyn and Jack were trying to make peace with Maverick, Evan was in his room, Zach was trying to climb the roped-up pillar, and Alyssa was playing with Kong in his cage. Lexi went to the bathroom and Daniel gets up and does something accidentally unimaginable. He was walking to go pet Aria and talk to Evan, but trips and falls onto Sara, making it look like they were kissing. Julia stands up and says,"Daniel, are you okay?" Everyone turns there heads to see what's going on. "What do you think you're doing to my girl?", Zach runs over to him and picks him up. Daniel hesitates, unable to speak. Julia saves him, "No, Zach, Daniel tripped and it looked like they were kissing.", "Is that true?", Zach asked Sara quietly. "Yes, he would never do that purposely.", "Good. I'm so sorry.", Zach apologizes to Daniel. "Daniel did what to Sara?!", Lexi bolts out of the bathroom, incredibly angry.

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