Chapter 14: Music Videos

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Everyone woke up to catch a 4:30am plane back to L.A. The trip was long and restful. Everyone was asleep until the last minute, when someone almost fell on top of Jonah trying to get to the bathrooms. "Ugh. When will this trip end?", Julia shrugged, setting her head on Jonah's shoulder. "Hopefully soon. Don't worry babe, we'll get there.", He smiles, kissing her on the forehead and placing his head on top of hers.

The plane reaches the destination. Sunny, hot, muggy, Las Angeles. Home, sweet home. To many, but most importantly, Why Don't We.

Daniel ran up the hill to the door, unlocking it. He grabs Lexi and runs up to his room and falls down on the bed. He grabs Lexi and pulls her up over him. "I'm glad to be back.", he smiles. He softly kissed her lips and fell for her. He grabbed her waist and more aggressively kissed her. She pulled herself away and said, "Daniel, not here, not now. You should get ready, you have to shoot the invitation music video.","Babe! I forgot to tell you. We are pretending that I have a girlfriend in it because at the time we planned it out, I didn't even know you." He stood up and held both her hands. "We Don't hug or kiss or anything, I just put my arm around her once and we maybe hold hands, but nothing serious. Is that okay with you?", "Could I possibly be that girl?", "Sorry cupcake, but we already hired someone who is still on board. She's a limelight, you see, and I don't want to hurt her feeling to tell her she's not working with us, last minute.", "I understand. But in reality, you're mine, remember that, love you!" Lexi kissed Daniel on the cheek and ran downstairs to get her bags. All the bags had been brought in by everyone and set in by the stairs. "I miss Christina already.", Corbyn wined as he sat down at the booth in their kitchen. "Aw, I don't blame you. She's a nice girl.", Julia told him trying to cheer him up. Lexi overheard that conversation but as long as it wasn't about her or Daniel, she didn't care to eavesdrop.

Everyone had unpacked their belongings. The boys left for the Music Video, but the girls stayed behind: Lexi, Alyssa, Julia, and Sara. They just sat in the living room, getting to know each other.

"We've been here for so long sleeping in the guest bedroom, I call this place home.", Alyssa laughed. Sara darted in with a correction, "We haven't been sleeping in the guest bedroom! We've all been to tired to care, so we slept with our boyfriends!" Lexi laughed but Alyssa gave an awkward look to her. "It's not like that's a bad thing, you love them too much, it just feels like they'll 'protect' you. We've all slept with them.", "Yeah, just slept. Nothing else.", Lexi pointed out, a little jealous. After all, have you seen Daniel? I'd be confused if you weren't sexually attracted to that man.

Just as the sun had set, the boys reached home. Zach busted in through the door yelling, "Let's go swimming!" Everyone instantly dropped everything and changed into there bathing suits. Zach was the first one changed. He slid down the stairwell and ran out to the pool. When he reached the deep end he jumped into the water. Once he emerged he looked up at the moon and stars. A shaped body walked in front of his view. "Wow, I thought my view of the stars was beautiful, but you Sara, I love that bikini." Sara laughed at him. "Your full of yourself.", she teased. "Jump in", He encouraged. "No, I-I don't want to.", she cowered. "Please? I'll catch you, you'll be safe!" Zach smiled. "O-okay fine.", Sara finished her words and then jumped into Zach's arms. She laughs as they were eye to eye level. He grabbed her waist and pushed her up to the sky, her hands gripping his shoulders softly. He slowly brought her back down and pulled her waist in to kiss her.

His lips were soft and tasted like cake. I never wanted this moment to end, but thought where the others could be.


Zach pulled away. "Where are the others?", Sara asked looking into the house from the pool. "I'm not sure, but all that matters right now is you and me."

The others were in the house, waiting for their love scene to end so they too could go swimming.

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