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"i have a question"


"is it okay if i take pictures of you?"


a chocolate haired male was panicking as he wasn't able to find his glasses. the young art student had dropped them on his way to class, and now couldn't see anything. another male noticed the boy was having trouble and decided to help him. this one had mint hair, and had glasses as well,

"here" he said

"thank you..."

"yoongi" the mint haired boy replied

"jungkook," said the other male, he then asked "are you an art major as well?"

"yeah, you have professor smith's class?" yoongi asked

"hell yeah i do! why haven't i seen you before?" jungkook questioned

"i'm usually in the back, doodling"

the young male chuckled at the older one's response.

"do you wanna walk to class with me?"



another boy, just on the other side of campus, had a very concentrated and focused look on his face, making sure that the bag of icing didn't pop like last time.

"do you need help jimi-"

"i've got this jin, the ladybug looks fine i just have to add the dots"

he finally finished the cake for the little's girl's birthday party. he was proud of his creation, and was even more happy that the little girl would have a beautiful cake for her 5th birthday. as if she was on cue, the mom walked into the shop with her daughter to pick up the cake jimin had just finished.

"one moment!" jimin shouted. he rushed to put the cake in one of the bakery's boxes. jimin rung up the mom,
"your total is $29.99"

the mother rummaged through her purse, but could only find a $10 bill.

"i-i'm sorry...i don't have enough"

"it's alright," jimin said with a smile "i'll put this one on the house because of her special day" jimin looked at the shy little girl hiding behind her mom, "you have a very special birthday, okay little ladybug?" she nodded and smiled up at jimin. "such a pretty smile for a pretty princess" he noticed her princess costume.

"thank you sir, what do we say to the nice man, melanie?"

"thank you" she said in a tiny voice

"you're welcome, have a nice day!" jimin waved goodbye to the two. feeling satisfied with himself, he suddenly heard his name being shouted.


"yes, jin?"

"jimin, we talked about this, you can't give cakes, cupcakes, cookies, or anything else that we sell away for free"

"i know, i know. i'm sorry, i just- no one should go without a birthday cake on their birthday"

jin rubbed his hand on his neck "ahh, what am i gonna do with you, kid? i appreciate you thinking of others, but that cake is coming out of your pay for this week."

"fair enough"

"go ring up the next costumer, he's been waiting"

"what-" jimin looked over to the register, and saw a familiar face. one with glasses and milk chocolate hair.

"hello sir, and welcome to 'jin's flour's' what can i get you?"

"one simple cupcake please, i've been craving something sweet" jimin smiled and entered his order into the machine.

"y'know i've seen you before...you're an art major right? you always come in, but you never get anything, why is that?"

"i like the smell, look, and feel of this bakery. it really helps when i can't think to draw of anything, and yes, i am an art major, do you go to my university?"

"yes and no. i only go there for the dance classes the jung hoseok teach, he's my dance instructor."

"oh i've heard of that program, by the way, i didn't catch your name"

"my name is jimin, park jimin. and yours?"

"jeon jungkook"

"jimin stop flirting with the costumers and just ring him up!" jin shouted

"oh-uh you're total is $8"

jungkook handed jimin a $10 and as jimin was getting his change, jungkook said, "i have a question"


"is it okay if i take pictures of you?"

watch this shit flop

flour -jikookWhere stories live. Discover now