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"will you stay with me?"

"of course, forever and always"


jimin woke up and started the daily routine, taking a shower, blow drying his hair making sure it was extra fluffy, and then he began to make breakfast for his mom. he put on his apron and started to preheat the oven. jungkook woke up to the sound of jimin rattling through the cupboards to find a dish.

"morning jimin" he said with his voice still groggy.

"morning kookie" jimin smiled, them waking up with each other seemed like a dream, "do you mind watching over the stove while i wake my mom up?"

"not at all" jungkook grinned as jimin went into the other room.

"mom, psst mom" he shook her lightly trying to get her to open her eyes. "mom?" jimin started to get worried, "m-mom?? mom wake up!" her eyes barely fluttered open when she tried to crack a smile.

"mom, don't scare me like tha-"

she coughed.

jimin helped her spit out the blood by getting her a tissue, but she just kept coughing and coughing and coughing.

"mom, a-are you alright?"

"min-minnie-" another cough, "i'm sorry"

jimin could feel the tears swelling up in his eyes.

"n-no, mom i was supposed to-"he choked on the tears, "i was supposed to make you better, i-i can call the hospital, i can-"

"jimin, there's nothing y-you can do" jimin's mom gripped her son's hand for dear life, her hands being as shaky as ever.

"thank you mom, for shaping me into the-the man that i am today, i'm sure dad would be very happy with what you've done" jimin smiled and let the tears fall. he recalled the memories he's had with his mom, which made the tears come out faster.

"minnie, don't-don't cry, shhh, this isn't goodbye," she cupped his face, "i will always be here, do you understand me?" jimin nodded as he got out of his mother's grip, he just took hold of her hand as he stroked her hair with his other hand. the two just stayed like that, not saying a word. jimin kept smiling at her, trying not to cry for her sake, until finally, she stopped breathing.

"mom?" no response.

"mom?!" jimin started freaking out, "mom, no no no, come one mom you have to try! please try to come back!" jimin kept shouting, screaming, crying, trying to get his mom back. jungkook came running in and hugged jimin tight as jimin was shaking and sobbing.
jungkook called the ambulance and they took her body away, leaving jimin a crying mess.


jimin stayed in his room the whole day. jungkook came in from time to time, checking in on him, seeing if he wanted to eat. jungkook started making funeral arrangements for jimin's mom since he didn't want this to be any harder for jimin. 

"yes, thank you, my boyfriend thanks you too" jungkook hung up on the funeral home, and got up to check on jimin again.

he knocked on the door, "knock knock, can i come in?"


jungkook came in and sat down next to jimin, "hey," jungkook said with a comforting smile, "i know this is really hard for you, and i know that you need your space, but i just came to say that even though you may feel like you're alone, like a piece of you is now gone, just know that i'm here. i will be here every step of the way," he kissed jimin's hand, "we're gonna get through this together." jungkook got up to leave, when he felt something tug at his arm.



"will you stay with me?"

"of course," jungkook sat by jimin again, "forever and always"


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