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"i think there's something more bewitching than these stars"

"what would that be?"


jimin went home after saying his goodbyes. he unlocked the door and saw his boyfriend sitting on his couch.

"oh, hi!" jimin was surprised to see him home so early.

"hey babe"

"i thought you said you had work tonight?"

"i did, but i got off early so i figured i'd comeback here"

"oh...well the showcase was great! my friend jungkook came an-"

"who's jungkook?"

"he's an art major at the university, he has to take pictures of me for an art project. isn't he so nice for choosing me?"


jimin cocked his head to the side with a confused look, "yes, taemin?"

taemin stood up from the couch, "did i say he could take pictures of you? you didn't even ask me."

"well, no..not exactly"

taemin walked over to jimin, "and who are these flowers from, hmm? are they from jungkook too?"


taemin grabbed the flowers and threw them across the room, "jimin, i thought we said that you wouldn't do anything without my permission. why must you be so stubborn, huh?" taemin slapped jimin right across the face, "i don't want you seeing him anymore, are we clear?"



"last night was great! i still can't get over how you did that- what was it?" jungkook tried intimidating jimin's move.

"jungkook!" jimin started laughing at the younger's attempt.

"i know, i'm terrible. you should teach me" jungkook smiled, but jimin only looked down at his coffee, "what is it?"

"look, jungkook, i don't want you to take this the wrong way but, i can't really see you...anymore. taking pictures everyday is fine, just don't start a conversation with me" jungkook's smile faded away, and instead he had a small frown on his face.

"wait, why? don't you like me?"

"i do! you're an amazing friend but, my boyfriend seems to think that there's something else going on"

jungkook sat down and stared at jimin,
"boyfriend? jimin why didn't you tell me?"

"our relationship's complicated...it's okay though, i love him" jimin gave jungkook a reassuring look, but jungkook wasn't believing one word of it.

"oh. well if we can't hang out, then why don't i invite you and your boyfriend to go sing karaoke tonight! yoongi and taehyung will be there!" jungkook said, trying to lighten up the mood. 

"well, i guess he wouldn't mind. as long as he's there, i'm sure he'd be fine with it" jimin smiled,

"i have to go now, what time should my boyfriend and i get there?"


"okay, we'll be there"


jungkook couldn't stop hysterically laughing  at yoongi's 'singing'. and it didn't help that tae started joining in.

"oh, are we late to the party?" jimin grinned while his arm was attached to taemin. jungkook turned around and looked at jimin and only jimin. his eyes sparkled as he admired every little detail. the only thing he didn't like when he saw them walk in, was jimin's boyfriend. for some reason, jungkook, felt as if something else was going on in their relationship.

"jimin! who's this?" tae pointed at the tall male next to jimin,

"oh, this is taemin. taemin, meet taehyung and yoongi, and the one sitting on the couch is jungkook" taemin eyed all of them and dragged jimin to the couch. they both sat down and taemin put his arm around jimin.

"alrighty then, who wants to go next?"

about two hours later, jimin looked like he was having the time of his life. the entire time he had been laughing and smiling and even dancing! and of course, jungkook couldn't take his eyes off him. it was like the showcase, but a bit different. jungkook felt different, he wouldn't just be amazed by jimin singing, or dancing, he would look astounded by jimin just by him sitting there. he couldn't get enough of the male's beauty.

"i'm gonna go get some fresh air, okay" jimin said out of breath. jimin walked out onto the rooftop, and because taemin had been sleeping, he didn't notice jungkook following jimin.

"mind if i join you?" jimin turned around with a surprised look on his face, "it's alright, i guess"

"so...about those lessons" jimin laughed,

"kookie, i thought i said i couldn't teach you. my boyfriend is very 'possessive' remember?"

"oh please! i promise they won't even be that long, if you teach me to dance, then i'll teach you to draw, deal?" 

jimin smirked, "alright, deal" the two of them sat there in awkward silence, "the stars look beautiful, huh jungkook?" jungkook didn't give an answer though, he was too busy gazing at something other than the stars, "jungkook?" jimin looked at the younger, and held his gaze.

"jimin, i think there's something more bewitching than these stars"

"what would that be?"

"you" jimin couldn't resist the tension any longer, and neither could jungkook. lips on lips, hands cupping each others face, a kiss filled with so much rawness, and heat. jimin's soft lips definitely fit well with jungkook's thin ones. jungkook was caressing jimin's face, while jimin put his arms around jungkook's neck. though the kiss didn't last for long, it was so, different


- emily

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