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"i love you too" he whispered

with hearts on almost every pastry they sold, and jimin not listening to jin more than he usually did, it was obvious that jimin was in love.

"hey, lover boy, come over here and help me decorate this cake!" jin had had it up to here with this boy.

"mm coming!"

jimin rested beside jin and grabbed the white frosting, "is this a wedding cake? i love weddings" jimin smiled fondly at the cake, love was in the air and jin was choking from it.

"so i suppose you and jungkook hung out again? seriously jimin, just dump your boyfriend and go to jungkook, you're so in love that it's grossing me out" jimin looked at jin with a confused expression, "me? dating jungkook? no no no. jin it was one kiss, it probably didn't even mean anything" jimin added a flower onto the cake, "besides he can do way better than me" jin set his bag of icing down, "jimin, you and i both know that if you let this boy slip away that you're going to regret for the rest of your life, for once in your life do something for you, take a risk"

with that jin left the boy to think, taemin or jungkook? taemin or jungkook.

"taemin, are you coming home early tonight? "

"sorry babe, i have to work really late tonight, i'll probably be home at 11"

"o-oh that's okay, i just- it's our five year anniversary, i just thought you'd be home. but it's okay work is work i can't do anything about it. i'll see you tomorrow?"


"oh oka-"

he hung up. jimin sighed and went back to decorating the cake, but someone else was waiting for him.

"jimin why don't i take you out tonight, hmm?"

"jungkookie!" jimin's face lit up, "that sounds fun, let's do it"

jimin went all around the city with jungkook, creating chaos in local markets, getting to shop for clothes and make the most ridiculous outfits possible, stuffing their faces with junk food, they were like two little children. by the time they were done with all of their shenanigans, it was 10 'o clock at night. jimin was pretty worn out and jungkook couldn't help but think he was cute.

"kook?" jimin said half asleep.


jimin grabbed onto his arm, "can i sleep over at your place? i don't want to be alone tonight"

jungkook blushed at the sound of his voice, "s-sure, you can stay at my place anytime you'd like"

they arrived at jungkook's apartment, it was small and sophisticated, but it had a very welcoming vibe when you walked in. a dark brown hardwood floor was the first thing you saw when you walked in, along with a canvas in the middle of the room. right next to the living area, a little yellow table could be seen in the kitchen which had white lilies in the center. in the next part of the apartment, there was an english-styled couch. the couch was a soft brown and had a sketchbook laying on one of the pillows. down the hall, a bunch of different paintings were hung up. 'starry night', 'girl with the pearl earring', 'the persistence of memory', etc.

"would you like to watch a movie?"

"sure kookie" jimin smiled warmly while still holding onto jungkook. jungkook assumed mingyu was at one of his 'parties' again because if he was at the apartment, he would've been bombarding jungkook with questions. 'who's this?' 'is this that boy you drew?' blah blah blah.

jimin and jungkook cuddled up close to each other while they waited for the movie to start, they were watching a romantic comedy, since they're both suckers for rom-coms. hearing jimin's laugh was like hearing the sound of new life, like children laughing for the first time, like angels singing for the first time. it warmed jungkook's heart.

the movie had ended and jimin had already fallen asleep to the feel of jungkook playing with his hair. jungkook just kept twirling the same section of jimin's hair while he also continued to listen to jimin breathe. jungkook could also hear his own heartbeat hoping that jimin wouldn't hear.

jungkook kept tracing little 'i love you's into the palm of jimin's hand. jimin shifted a little bit and nuzzled his head deeper into jungkook's chest while grabbing jungkook by the hand. jungkook let it happen, though he wasn't jimin's boyfriend, it was nice to pretend what could've been. jungkook eventually fell asleep as he was holding onto jimin as if his life depended on it. jimin smiled when jungkook was sleeping.

"i love you too" jimin whispered.


i'm also very cliché lmao

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