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"you look so beautiful"

"not as beautiful as that dancing"


"jin, i'm leaving work early today!"

"i have tickets to go, right?"

"of course"

jimin took off his apron and ran to the dance studio. today was a very important day for everyone in hoseok's dance program, today was the big fall showcase, and jimin was late. he saw everyone rehearsing and knew that hoseok would never let him hear the end of it.

"park, where have you been?"

"i'm sorry, i didn't realize what time it was when i left work and-"

"well, you're here now, that's good enough, i guess," hoseok left jimin to change, and jimin immediately started practicing his special routine. because jimin was at the top of his class, a lot more was expected out of him. the song was a mashup of two very different songs, but somehow still tied into the theme of jimin's dance: love. the two songs were '2U' justin bieber and 'cold water' by major lazer 

the showcase started in two hours, which should be just enough time to practice and to get over to the venue.


jungkook looked at himself in the mirror making sure that his tie looked nice, and he also needed to dust off his suit. he was wearing a nice, shiny, black suit for jimin's showcase. he parted his hair so that a little bit of his forehead was showing, he even put in hairspray to make it stay in. 

"whoa, where are you going looking all fancy?" mingyu asked

"i was invited to attend a dance showcase by the one and only park jimin"

"tell your boyfriend i said hi!"

"he's not my boyfriend, mingyu"

jungkook laughed at mingyu's insuniation and closed the door behind him. the showcase was at the university's theater so, jungkook knew that he had plenty of time to get there but, being the person he was, he always liked to arrive early. jungkook knew that jimin was gonna do great so, he stopped at flower shop and got a small bouquet as a little 'congrats! you did great!' gift. the bouquet was filled with little yellow roses, and magnificent  white lilies.

and would you look at the time, the showcase starts in 10 minuets. jungkook rushed over to the theater and quickly found his seat. he put the flowers in his lap and soon, the lights went down. first the group that arranged a dance routine to the song 'shape of you' by ed sheeran, next was the 'something just like this' by the chainsmokers group, and then it was 'dive' also by ed sheeran. lastly it was jimin. he opened up with a little soft routine he came up with himself, and only a small spotlight was on him, then 'cold water' started playing and jimin let his true beauty shine. every move, every facial expression, everything was on point and jungkook couldn't look away. out of no where, the song changed and you could see jimin grabbing someone's hand, and the mood immediately changed. because they were dancing to the song '2U' it had to be between two people in this case, it was jimin and hoseok. jungkook was so amazed by the two, he had never seen anything like it.


"jimin!" jungkook called out to the smiling boy

"jungkook!" the two met up and jimin said, "you made it! i'm so glad. did you like it?"

"like it? i loved it! that was a form of art i've never ever seen, you're like the van gogh of dance" jimin smiled at the younger's compliment, "oh and also! i meant to give you these as a 'you did so amazing and i can't express it in words' kind of thing" jungkook hand jimin the flowers and jimin gladly took them.

"these look so beautiful, you look so beautiful"

"not as beautiful as that dancing, jimin"

sO mAnY fiLLerS oH mY jEsUs-

also, i'd like to apologize for that attempted scenario of what a showcase would be like, i know that's not how an actual showcase would go down just bear with it for the story. bye boobs and nuggets

- emily

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