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but the pain in jungkook was growing and growing with every step he took. 

his heart ached. his heart ached for jimin.


jungkook came back to the house with some instant ramen for the both of them, it was extremely cold outside, so maybe some warm food could lift jimin's spirits.

"jimin! i brought some food!" jungkook opened the door to bring some chicken to jimin's room, but jimin had appeared to be sleeping. jungkook set the chicken beside jimin and kissed his forehead as he began to walk away, but the pain in jungkook was growing and growing with every step he took. his heart ached. his heart ached for jimin.

he was hesitant when he first decided to talk to jimin, he thought 'what if he thinks i'm a creep?' and he didn't want to get too involved with the boy either, jungkook has had his heart broken all his life, but still managed to put a smile on for his friends. there was one particular friend in his past that he still holds dear to his heart, but they had stopped talking when jungkook moved to seoul. the thing with jimin was how he could make jungkook feel like he had everything. that he was loved, and that he was the luckiest man alive, so when jimin's in pain, it pains jungkook too.

jungkook pulled up a stool and sat by jimin, watching him breathe in and out. inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, that was the pattern that jungkook had become fixated on. the pattern reminded him of when his father was first teaching him how to paint.

"and then we stroke the brush with light and easy patterns" mr. jeon handed his paintbrush to his little 7 year old, "up, down, up, down, there you go!" jungkook's father smiled with glee.

"do you think i'll be as good as you one day, papa?"

"i know so" mr. jeon said as he ruffled jungkook's hair.

jungkook smiled when he recalled the memory, or any memory, of him and his dad. it comforted him

jimin began to squirm and cry, which got jungkook to snap back into reality. jungkook got off his stool and bent down by jimin's side, stroking his hair to calm him down. jimin was soothed by his boyfriend's touch, and he felt better soon after.


after being in bed for about 4 days, jimin finally got up and got dressed, things still haven't been the same since his mom passed away, but he's trying to learn how to live with it.

"oh, you're up! i was just about to come check on you" jungkook was preparing their dinner, but jimin latched onto jungkook's arm and jungkook turned to face him, "what's wrong? are you thinking about her?"

jimin looked over to the room where his mom was kept and the memories flooded his mind, he turned to jungkook and nodded with sad eyes.

"aw," jungkook cooed as he pulled jimin into a hug, "i know it hurts. it was extremely hard for me to get over my dad's death" jimin rested his hand on jungkook's chest and looked up at the younger, "listen, you never, ever, get over these things. it's gonna be really hard to talk or even think about her for a few years. even though it still hurts me so much to talk about my dad, i'm at that point where i can talk about him and not cry. one day you'll be able to talk about your mom without crying because you know that she's in your heart, that she's always with you" jungkook gave jimin a warm smile and then a quick peck. he told jimin to go back to bed as jungkook was preparing their meal. maybe things were going to be okay after all. as long as jimin had jungkook and jungkook had jimin, they were ready for anything.

oof, i apologize for being on a 'hiatus' but your girl's gotta do what she gotta do. and sadly, there are only a few chapters left. q & a maybe?

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